Prometric was a pioneer in the development and operation of a global network of secure, professional, testing locations that satisfied the unique requirements of clients across industries and geographies. 

Today, we continue to set the standard in the assessment industry, with more than 14,000 locations in more than 180 countries… and growing.  Our integrated testing platform, unified management structure, and operational expertise allows us to offer test owners choice in tailoring the exact test delivery solution to achieve their organization’s strategic objectives, while minimizing operating and reputational risk.  Test owners can select from any and all of the test delivery modalities identified below.


Test Center

Computer-based Assessment

Prometric operates the world’s largest network of computer-based assessment centers that provide convenient access to test takers, while ensuring the integrity of the testing process and securing test owners’ intellectual property .  We ensure consistency and reliability across all locations by providing the hardware, software, and networking required for secure exam delivery.  Test center staff are trained, certified, managed and supported by Prometric, and are provided with the tools and support they need to provide test takers with an exceptional experience. Test owners have the flexibility to choose locations that are appropriate to their program needs – including our global network of permanent testing centers, temporary pop-up testing locations, on-site testing locations, and on-base testing to support military personnel and their dependents.

Remote Assessment

For computer-based testing programs that require even greater access based on the unique needs of their testing population, Prometric offers our innovative, secure testing remote assessment platform, ProProctor™.  This solution is built on the same technology available at our testing locations, ensuring a consistent experience for all testing candidates.  We have developed a proprietary, easy-to-use test taker interface that allows a test taker to schedule an appointment, confirm computer compatibility, and launch the exam.  Our trained staff provide real-time test taker support and protect the integrity of the testing event with the support of automated tools built into the software.

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Performance-based Assessment

Test owners that regulate or license professions that rely on the practical demonstration of job-related skills and abilities to determine minimal competency can utilize Prometric’s performance-based assessment solutions.  We provide experienced, trained evaluators to administer these programs in facilities structured to replicate the actual work environment, using innovative technologies to expedite scoring and reporting of exam results.

Paper-based Assessment

Prometric understands that flexibility means being able to choose modalities other than traditional computer-based assessment delivery.  For many programs, there are circumstances and environments where paper-based administration is the right option.  Prometric provides test owners with a wealth of experience in all phases of paper-based administration, from secure printing and distribution, to exam administration, to post-administration document handling, scoring and auditing.  We support large scale paper administrations in every region around the world each year.

Paper Based Testing Image