About breastfeeding and pumping accommodations

Prometric recognizes the importance of your decision to breastfeed and will, subject to approval from your exam sponsor and availability of resources, accommodate requests to support breastfeeding and pumping.

Pumping Private Space

We’ve established a private space to pump at each location. The private space varies at each test center. It is either a breakroom with a door or a separate room with a privacy screen. Each space has a chair, table, and electrical outlet and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Test takers are responsible for bringing their own pump and means of collecting and storing expressed milk.
  • A refrigerator is not available to store expressed milk.
  • Test takers' personal items (i.e. pump and cooler), may be stored in the private space while testing.
  • Test takers will be asked to open any containers for inspection to confirm no study notes or devices are inside; test center employees will not touch these items directly.
  • Personal devices will remain in the test taker’s locker.
  • The chair in the private space is available for use; the test center administrator will roll it inside when setting up the room. Additional tables, chairs or stools are subject to availability.
  • Privacy curtains are dedicated for expressing breast milk only.
  • Privacy curtains are “U” shaped and not meant to enclose the desk located in the room.
  • Please be advised that there will not be any digital video recorder camera in any private space used during pumping.
  • Test takers will need to be inspected as per normal security procedures every time they enter the main test room.
  • For cleanliness and out of courtesy for other users, it is the test taker’s responsibility to clean up after use of the privacy curtain.
  • Multiple test takers may be required to share the room throughout the day. Only one test taker can use the room at a given time. The test center staff will assist in coordinating usage.

Breastfeeding Private Space

If you need to breastfeed, our team will make reasonable efforts to find you a suitable private space dedicated for the purpose of breastfeeding.

  • A chair will be available for use; the test center administrator will roll it inside the private space. No additional tables, chairs or stools are available.
  • To ensure privacy, the door must be closed and/or locked completely while breastfeeding.
  • Test takers will need to be inspected as per normal security procedures every time they enter the main test room after using the private space.
  • For cleanliness and out of courtesy for other users, it is the test takers responsibility to clean up after use of the private room.
  • Food is not permitted in the space; however, you may bring your own water after inspection.
  • Once the test taker begins their breastfeeding break, they are permitted to use the test center phone to call a child caretaker.
  • The caretaker will be permitted to access the waiting or reception area only. They must not access the employee break room, TCA Room, or test room.
  • The test taker will need to request that the caretaker leave the test center for the duration of the extended break.
  • Once a test taker has completed breastfeeding, the test taker can use the test center phone to call the caretaker to retrieve the child.
  • Multiple test takers may be required to share the room throughout the day. Only one test taker can use the room at a given time. The test center staff will assist in coordinating usage.
  • Test takers are encouraged to consider the experience of others in the testing environment to minimize disruptions in the test center to every extent possible. Test center staff maintain discretion to require a child who is causing disruptions to other test takers to be removed from the testing center.

Breastfeeding Privacy Tent

In certain situations, if you need to breastfeed but there is limited space or the testing site does not have private space or a separate room, we attempt to provide a temporary functional space in the form of a privacy tent. 

  • Privacy tents are dedicated for the purpose of breastfeeding only.
  • The tent expands to the size of 47.24” x 47.24” x 78.74”, providing a spacious area with a top window for light and air circulation inside the tent.
  • A chair will be available for use; the test center administrator will roll it inside the privacy tent when setting up the space. No additional tables, chairs or stools are available.
  • To ensure privacy, the tent must be closed completely. Privacy tents feature a large zippered “T” style door for easy access and a 3-way zipper closure.
  • Test takers will need to be inspected as per normal security procedures every time they enter the main test room after using the tent.
  • For cleanliness and out of courtesy for other users, it is the test takers responsibility to clean up after use of the privacy tent.
  • Food is not permitted in the tent however you may bring your own water after inspection.
  • Once the test taker begins their breastfeeding break, they are permitted to use the test center phone to call a child caretaker.
  • The caretaker will be permitted to access the waiting or reception area only. They must not access the employee break room, TCA Room, or test room.
  • The caretaker will be requested to leave the test center for the duration of the extended break by the test taker.
  • Once a test taker has completed breastfeeding, the test taker can use the test center phone to call the caretaker to retrieve the child.
  • Test takers are encouraged to consider the experience of others in the testing environment to minimize disruptions in the test center to every extent possible. Test center staff maintain discretion to require a child who is causing disruptions to other test takers to be removed from the testing center.

Breastfeeding During Remote Proctoring

To ensure privacy, test takers must step away from the camera while breastfeeding or pumping.

  • All exams are continuously monitored by video and audio recording. For this reason, test takers may not breastfeed or pump within the testing space.
  • Eating, drinking and chewing gum are prohibited during the exam.
  • No third party may be present in the room or enter the room during your exam. This includes children and pets. If this occurs, your exam will be terminated and/or your results invalidated.
  • Please do not bring in your pump or cooler into the testing environment.
  • Your workstation and surrounding area must be free of pens, paper, electronic devices, etc. No content that could potentially provide an unfair advantage during your exam, including that posted on walls or within your immediate area, should be present during your exam session.
  • Please alert your proctor and wait to be acknowledged when you are ready to take your breastfeeding or pumping break.
  • Test takers will need to be inspected as per normal security procedures every time they enter the test room before resuming their exam.

Requesting the Accommodation

Please review your exam sponsor’s process and requirements and then begin the accommodation request process as soon as possible. Submit your accommodations request with your exam sponsor at least 90 days prior to your exam date and contact Prometric at least 60 days prior to your exam to be assigned a TA Advocate. Some requests, once granted, may involve substantial time to make the necessary arrangements while also protecting the integrity of the exam.

After receiving approval from your exam sponsor for a breastfeeding or pumping accommodation, contact Prometric’s Testing Accommodations Department at the toll-free number provided below and have your eligibility ID number ready.

Prometric Testing Accommodations Telephone Number

(800) 967-1139, option 2

You will then be assigned a TA Advocate. If approved for a private space to express breast milk you will be directed to work with the TA Advocate to locate and schedule into a test center with a private space with an electrical outlet which is not a restroom.

Please note: Private spaces are subject to availability, could require a test taker to travel to a non-preferred test center, and are not guaranteed at every test center location. We have taken diligent measures to survey our entire portfolio of test centers to identify locations that have a private space available; however, we do not guarantee that a test taker will have access to a private space to express breast milk in all Prometric test center locations. This means that a test taker who wishes to have access to a private space may be required to travel to a center that has private space available but is not the test taker’s preferred or most convenient location.

For any questions or assistance with the process please contact Prometric’s Testing Accommodations Department at the toll-free number provided above and have your eligibility ID number ready. Do not contact a test center directly to inquire about breastfeeding accommodations or arrive at a test center with the expectation that breastfeeding accommodations will be provided without first completing all procedures outlined above.