Expand your global reach with unlimited testing capacity

Upskill and reskill the workforce of tomorrow at more than 8,000 test centers worldwide. Prometric securely delivers digital and paper-based exams in-center and remotely more places than any provider—and can add a pop-up center virtually anywhere.
Man sitting at desk holding out his hands with an illustration of a globe floating over top.

Meet the challenges of today and the future

Our global delivery services satisfy 95% of all test takers with 99.2% success rates and earn 97% overall end-to-end satisfaction from our partners worldwide.

Scale capacity rapidly

Validate skills and identify talent with Prometric global delivery in more than 70 languages in nearly anywhere in the world.

Deliver more flexibility

Empower test takers with accessible in-center testing and unlimited remote seats in 2,260 Prometric markets across the globe.

Maintain high security

Rely on comprehensive screening, monitoring, and encryption from Prometric to maintain exam integrity in more than 180 countries.

Deliver assessments wherever, whenever

Meet the evolving demands of the global workforce with reliable, flexible testing experiences delivered at-scale anywhere.

illustration of proctor explaining examination rules to the test takers sitting at their desks.


Ensure a smooth, reliable, and successful testing experience with high-security proctoring in person.

Illustration of a woman taking a test on her computer while a proctor watches over her over video chat.


Provide flexible, convenient testing options anywhere with secure remote delivery, enhanced by advanced AI.

Illustration to show hybrid test options for both in-center and at home.


Guarantee consistent, accurate, and secure testing in-center and remotely with custom hybrid delivery models.

Prometric has more than 8,000 test centers worldwide, more than any provider