Zaščita poštenih udeležencev preizkusov in zagotavljanje poštenih izkušenj

Prometric svojo vlogo zagotavljanja varnega testnega okolja jemlje resno. Med postopkom prijave preverimo vsa očala, nakit in druge dodatke, da bi iskali naprave s kamero, ki bi jih lahko uporabili za zajem izpitne vsebine.

Za natančen vizualni pregled boste morali odstraniti očala. Ti pregledi bodo trajali nekaj sekund in se bodo opravili ob prijavi in po vrnitvi z odmorov, preden vstopite v preskusno sobo, da zagotovite, da ne kršite nobenega varnostnega protokola.

Nakit zunaj poročnih in zaročnih prstanov je prepovedan. Ne nosite drugega nakita v testni center. Lasni dodatki in kravate so predmet pregleda. Ne uporabljajte okrašenih sponk, glavnikov, okrasnih trakov, trakov za glavo, sponk, manšete in drugih dodatkov za lase, saj jih boste morda prepovedali nositi v preskusno sobo in jih prositi, da jih shranite v omarico. Kršitev varnostnega protokola lahko privede do zaplembe prepovedanih naprav in do konca izpita.

Za vse Prometrične preskusne centre: Zagotavljanje kandidatom prijaznih opomnikov za zahteve glede politike prekinitve

Ko nadaljujemo z izboljševanjem varnostnega nadzora za našo globalno mrežo testnih centrov, smo implementirali opomnike, ki so prijazni kandidatom, ki vam bodo pomagali bolje razumeti, kaj vam sme dopustiti med odmori, odvisno od izpita, ki ga opravljate. V testnih centrih boste opazili oznake, podobne spodnjim.

Pomembno je, da se seznanite z oznakami za barvno kodiranje, ker bo pred postopkom preverjanja računalnika na ključ omarice pritrjena barvna oznaka. Služil bo kot vizualni opomnik na dopustne dejavnosti med odmori, na primer dostop do omarice, hrane, pijač in zdravil.

Locker Key Tag Colors

Prometric takes our role of providing a secure test environment seriously. During the check-in process, we inspect any and all eyeglasses, jewelry and other accessories to look for camera devices that could be used to capture exam content. 

You will be required to remove your eyeglasses for close visual inspection. These inspections will take a few seconds and will be done at check-in and again upon return from breaks before you enter the testing room to ensure you do not violate any security protocol.

Jewelry outside of wedding and engagement rings is prohibited. Please do not wear other jewelry to the test center. Hair accessories and ties are subject to inspection. Please refrain from using ornate clips, combs, barrettes, headbands, tie clips, cuff links and other hair accessories as you may be prohibited from wearing them in to the testing room and asked to store them in your locker. Violation of security protocol may result in the confiscation of prohibited devices and termination of your exam.

For All Prometric Test Centers: Providing Candidate-friendly Reminders for Break Policy Requirements

As we continue to enhance security controls for our global network of test centers, we have implemented candidate-friendly reminders that will help you better understand what you are allowed to do during your breaks depending on the exam you are taking. In test centers, you will notice signage similar to what is shown below.

It is important for you to take note of the color coding designations because prior to your computer check in process a color tag will be attached to your locker key. It will serve as a visual reminder of the permissible activities during your breaks, such as having access to your locker, food, beverages and medication.

Please Note: At this time, for locker access during breaks, test takers will be instructed to only access lockers for food, drink, and medication, with the exception of programs with full access. For more information about other modified test center procedures we've enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.

Locker Key Tag Colors