29. maja 2020

Re: Ponovni postopek preskušanja kitajskega preskusnega centra - postopki za preizkušanje socialne razdalje

Cenjeni odjemalec,

Prometric je nadaljeval s testiranjem na mnogih naših preizkuševalnih lokacijah na Kitajskem 20. aprila 2020. Da bi zagotovili zaščito naših zaposlenih in uporabnikov testov ter v skladu s kitajskim vladnim in gradbenim standardom za preprečevanje epidemije, bodo med celotnim testiranjem začele veljati varnostne prakse postopek - vključno z upoštevanjem socialne distanciranja na en meter po zgoraj omenjenih vladnih predpisih.

Naslednji razdelki opisujejo te postopke in predvidevajo, da se upošteva socialno distanciranje prek smernic lokalne uprave:

1. Postopki prihoda in prijave

Pred vstopom v stavbo testnega centra bodo odjemalci morali storiti naslednje:

  • Temperaturo naj sprejme osebje preskusnega centra. Rezultati morajo biti prebrani pod 37,3 ° C. Vsak uporabnik testov, ki pride v testni center in ima temperaturo ali ima simptome, se zavrne in mu ne dovoli testiranja. Ti preizkuševalci ne bodo upravičeni do brezplačnega prestavitve.

  • Pokažite svoje 14-dnevne evidence potovanj prek storitev mobilne telefonije in vladni dokaz o izpolnjevanju 14-dnevne karantene.

  • Predstavite zdravstveno kodo, ki jo lahko zagotovite prek platforme Alipay.

  • V testnem centru ves čas svojega časa prinesite in nosite masko. Sprejemljive so tako medicinske maske kot tkanine.

V času prijave bodo vsi zaposleni v Prometric testnem centru:

  • Imeti dostop do mask, rokavic in sanitarnih materialov. Vsi zaposleni v testnem centru bodo morali nositi masko.
  • Vizualno preverite ID uporabnika preizkusa (ID-ji z datumi veljavnosti od 1. februarja 2020 naprej bodo sprejemljivi za testiranje).
  • Zahtevajte, da se testiranci prijavijo na seznam s pisalom, priloženim Prometricom. Peresnik bo nato nameščen v omarico s osebnimi predmeti ali ga po potrebi shranil uporabnik preskusnega papirja skupaj s papirjem za praske.
  • Odprite omarico in nato zapustite območje, tako da lahko tisti, ki prevzame test, vstopi in postavi stvari v omarico. Ko je uporabnik testov zunaj območja, bo osebje centra ponovno vstopilo v območje, da bi pritrdilo omarico. Preizkuševalci bodo ključ obdržali, predal za omarice pa bo ostal pod video nadzorom, medtem ko je središče odprto.

2. Postopki Proctor & preskusne sobe

Pred vstopom v prostor za proge bodo začeli veljati naslednji spremenjeni postopki:

  • Izvajalci preizkusov bodo morali na tleh stati na znaku „stojati tu“ ali „X“, kar označuje varno razdaljo od zaposlenega v testnem centru.
  • Prosilci bodo morali pokazati orožje in gležnje ter izprazniti žepe iz dogovorjenega območja varne razdalje. Upoštevajte, da se za zagotovitev varnih praks oddaljevanja odpovedujejo ukrepi, ki zahtevajo tesne osebne stike, na primer čakajoče, biometrično prijavo in drugo preverjanje osebne izkaznice.
  • Zajem slike (če je primerno) bo dokončan z istega položaja.
  • Opombe bodo zamenjane s papirjem za praske, da se izognemo ponovni uporabi materialov.

Med izpitnim postopkom bo začel veljati naslednji spremenjeni postopek:

  • Testiranci bodo nameščeni z odprtim sedežem med vsako aktivno delovno postajo, da se zagotovi, da so med preskušanjem izpolnjene smernice o oddaljevanju.
  • Spremljanje preskusne sobe se bo izvajalo izključno z uporabo obstoječega DVR nadzora. Fizična navodila bodo opuščena, razen če ni dovolj prostora za skladnost s smernicami lokalne uprave o oddaljevanju.
  • Če je odmor v skladu s pravili izpitnega programa dovoljen, bodo uslužbenci centra upoštevali ustaljeni konec izpitnih postopkov in zagotovili, da je pot jasna do izstopa.
  • Če je dostop med omaricami med odmori dovoljen, bo sledil isti postopek, ki se uporablja med prijavo. Kandidati bodo poučeni, da dostopajo samo do omaric za hrano, pijačo in zdravila, razen programov s popolnim dostopom.
  • Osebje testnega centra bo beležilo čas, ko je bil v preskusni sobi in iz nje, in odpravil potrebo po kandidatu, da podpiše seznam.

3. Konec preskusnih postopkov

Ko je izpit končan, bodo uveljavljeni naslednji spremenjeni postopki:

  • Prosilci se bodo morali vrniti na sprejemno območje in sedeti.
  • Zaposleni v testnem centru bodo:
    • Naj se udeleženec testa odpravi na recepcijo, da se odjavi s priloženim peresom, in odsvetuje udeležencem, naj se podpišejo poleg zabeleženih premorov.
    • Naučite uporabnike preskusov, da priskrbijo ves papir za praske in ga odložijo v varen koš.
    • Dovoli uporabnikom preizkusov, da gredo v svojo omarico in zbirajo osebne predmete.
    • Stopite stran, da se lahko preskusni uporabnik odjavi / vrne ključ za omarico.

Za končne postopke čiščenja bodo potrebni:

  • Tisti, ki jih jemljejo, morajo pred izhodom iz objekta vstaviti pero v držalo.
  • Osebje testnega centra uporablja rokavice za čiščenje rabljenih flomastrov in jih ob koncu dneva vrne v promet.
  • Osebje preskusnega centra mora očistiti vsako delovno postajo, skrbniško mizo in proktorsko mizo med vsakim odjemalcem in na začetku in koncu vsakega dne.
  • Osebje testnega centra za varno uničevanje vsega uporabljenega papirja za praske pred odhodom iz testnega centra.

* Upoštevajte, da se ti postopki po potrebi spremenijo. Da bi izboljšali izkušnjo brez dotika, je bil dostop do vodnjakov onemogočen. Priporočamo vam, da med preskušanjem prinesete svojo vodo za shranjevanje v eno od naših omaric.

** Popolnoma smo pregledali vse operacije testnih centrov in še naprej krepili pričakovane ukrepe v vseh testnih centrih po svetu, ki bodo zmanjšali tveganje za širjenje virusa na teh lokacijah. Ti postopki vključujejo čiščenje površin z dotikom (npr. Testne postaje, tipkovnice na tipkovnici, miške itd.), Preden odpremo, vmes med vsakim kandidatom in na koncu dneva, ter zagotovitev robčkov za enkratno uporabo, tako da so skupne površine lahko obrisal.

1. Arrival and Check-In Procedures

  • Have their temperature taken by test center staff. Results must read below 37.3˚C. Any test taker that comes to the test center and has a temperature or is exhibiting symptoms will be turned away and not allowed to test.
  • Show their 14-day travel records via mobile phone services, as well as government proof of completion for 14-day quarantine.
  • Present health code, which can be provided via Alipay platform.
  • Bring and wear a mask during the entirety of their time at the test center. Both medical masks or cloth face coverings are acceptable. Masks with exhale valves are prohibited to use at the testing center. Any test taker that comes to the test center without an acceptable mask will not be allowed to test.


    Candidates needing reimbursement for canceling or rescheduling an appointment due to COVID-19 illness/impact or displacement should follow our standard escalation procedure by utilizing the Test Taker Contact Us form on the Prometric website, which offers a specific option to "Request a Refund." Candidates who wish to reschedule without paying the fee upfront should contact Prometric by phone to reschedule, where applicable by program. Turnaround time for issuing candidate refunds is 7 - 14 business days.

    *Medical and healthcare professionals who have been practicing safe and preventative measures using personal protective equipment with their patients are an exception. 

    **Highly-infected areas subject to travel restrictions/quarantine requirements are typically identified at the local level via orders, directives, or guidelines. Please consult with local requirements on restricted travel in the location you wish to test.

  • Have access to masks, gloves and sanitizing materials. All test center employees will be required to wear a mask. Employees may opt to wear gloves.
  • Visually check the test taker’s glasses and ID. Candidate masks will need to be lowered or removed momentarily for this process, specifically so that the reverse side of all test takers masks can be inspected, by clasping the sides or strap of the mask to remove briefly and then reaffixing in same manner. IDs with expiration dates from February 1, 2020 forward will be acceptable for testing. 
  • Check IDs. Prometric no longer accepts IDs that are more than 90 days expired. We will continue to accept IDs that have expired within 90 days of the exam date for the interim. One form of Identification will be required to be presented to the test center staff.  If the primary identification presented is missing one of the following: signature, picture or expiration date, then a second ID may be requested for verification.
  • Require test takers to sign in on roster sheet with a Prometric-supplied pen, using hand sanitizer prior to use.
  • Provide test takers an assigned locker number and key to place their belongings, if needed. Test takers will retain the key, and the locker area will remain under video surveillance while the center is open.

2. Proctor & Testing Room Procedures

  • Where social distancing is in place according to the local government rules, test takers will be required to stand on the ‘stand here’ sign or ‘X’ in place on the floor, designating a safe distance away from the test center employee.
  • As a part of Prometric’s security protocols, test takers will be asked to show arms and ankles, as well as empty their pockets. Test takers will be scanned with a handheld metal detection device prior to entering the testing room (with the exception of exempt individuals).
  • Image capture (if applicable) will be completed from the same position.  Any test takers wearing masks will need to lower or remove momentarily for this process by clasping the sides or strap of the mask to remove briefly, and then reaffixing in same manner. Biometrics procedures for required programs, specifically fingerprint and ID scans, have been reinstated in our global test centers. As an additional safety measure, all test takers are required to use hand sanitizer before using any fingerprint scanners.
  • Test center staff will provide candidates with note boards and markers or paper and pencils for those who use scratch paper, where applicable by program. 
  • Where local government guidelines dictate, test takers will be seated with an open seat between each active workstation to ensure distancing guidelines are satisfied during testing.
  • Monitoring of the test room will be done exclusively using existing DVR monitoring. Physical walkthroughs by TCAs will also be conducted at least every 10 minutes.
  • If a break is permissible according to the exam program rules or there is a question, test takers should raise their hands and wait for a test center employee to acknowledge them. For locker access during breaks, the same process applied during check-in will be followed. Test takers will be instructed to only access lockers for food, drink, and medication, with the exception of programs with full access.  Please consult your test sponsor’s client practice guide for your exam’s specific locker access policies.
  • Test center staff will record the time in and out of the test room, removing the need for the test taker to sign the roster during exit and return from breaks.

3. End of Test Procedures

  • Test takers will be asked to return to the reception/admin area to complete their sign out process.
  • Test center employees will then:
    • Have the test taker sign out with the Prometric provided pen.
    • Instruct test takers to provide all plain colored scratch paper and place them into a secure bin or return used erasable note boards for cleaning.
    • Allow test takers to go to their locker to collect personal items.
    • Allow test taker to sign out/return the locker key.
  • Test takers to place their pen and locker key in a holding tub prior to leaving the facility, in order for these to be cleaned for the next test taker to use.
  • Test center staff to use gloves when cleaning the used pens and erasable note boards and putting them back into circulation at the end of the day.
  • Test center staff to clean all surfaces, including every workstation, admin desk, and proctor desk, at the start and end of each day.

Please note that these procedures will be subject to change as necessary. As of August 2, 2021, water fountains and water dispensers have been enabled, where applicable. Test takers may bring their own water to store in one of our lockers while they test.

We have fully reviewed all test center operations and continue to reinforce expected actions at all test centers around the world that will mitigate the risk of spread of the virus at these locations. These procedures include cleaning high-touch surfaces (ex. test stations, keyboard keys, mouse, etc.) before we open and at the end of the day, and providing hand sanitizer and disposable wipes so that common surfaces can be wiped.