


Prometric® 继续与 NBME® 和 USMLE® 合作,开发新的解决方案,以增加预约可用性并支持考生的资源。此工具包旨在为医学院管理员和教育工作者提供所需资源,以便与学生沟通并协助他们在 Prometric 测试中心安排美国医学执照考试®(USMLE®)、NBME® 临床科学科目考试或综合科目考试。



Prometric 过程和关键信息

  • 预约安排
    • 考生如何安排考试和/最佳安排时间
  • 预约可用性和容量规划
    • 寻找预约时需要采取的步骤
    • 请求额外时间/时段的流程
  • 取消和安排新预约
    • 理解由于 COVID-19 占用限制或意外事件导致的取消流程
  • 便利支持
    • 获得批准接受考试便利的考生如何预约考试
  • 测试中心网站更新
    • 我们测试中心网站状态页面的链接(突出显示各站点的占用和项目限制)
    • 站点关闭页面(反映因不可预见情况而关闭的站点)
  • COVID-19 信息
    • 有关 COVID-19 对测试持续影响的信息
    • 未来展望及重新开放额外预约/座位的计划


  • 资源,供考生了解 Prometric 对疫情的响应以及我们测试操作的当前状态


  • 现成的网站、社交媒体和电子邮件模板,用于与学生沟通
  • 常见问题解答页面,提供互动、可搜索的答案,以解答常见问题



我们继续投资于能够实现更大考生自助服务的系统和工具,包括注册和调度。考试现在可以通过 Prometric 的平台 ProScheduler™ 安排和注册,该平台允许考生在桌面和移动设备上实时、24/7 安排考试。提供所有可用测试预约的可见性,通过区域和首选日期范围筛选,ProScheduler 使考生能够轻松一次性安排单日或多日的预约。以下是可以查看的示例。

2021 年 6 月 1 日,ProScheduler 的过渡是无缝的——这意味着考生不必迁移到新的地方来安排考试,现在获得更好的最终用户体验。该系统包括排队设计,旨在通过调节流入 Prometric 调度系统的流量来克服高调度量的高峰。当进入调度系统的候选人数超过阈值时,他们的确切排队位置将显示,建议学生不要离开屏幕,因为流量移动非常快。平均而言,一个队列可以在几分钟内处理 100 名候选人。排队通常在 Prometric 高峰时段每周发生几次。


此外,我们最近推出了一个互动、可搜索的常见问题页面,为寻找有关 Prometric 测试流程(包括注册、调度等)常见问题答案的考生提供即时访问。我们将寻求尽快推出聊天功能,以更好地直接协助考生。

行动: 互动常见问题 页面 可以在这里找到:

Prometric 过程和关键信息


希望安排初始预约的考生 被鼓励尽可能提前预约(越早预约,考生可选择的选项越多,特别是在需要全天考试时段时)。

通常,Prometric 测试中心的安排提前六(6)个月开放,以支持提前调度。考生可能会发现,这使他们能够根据详细的准备和学习计划协调他们的测试日期。

行动:在注册后预约初始预约,USMLE 考生被鼓励访问 并使用左侧导航栏选择他们的考试 或拨打 1-800-MED-EXAM (1-800-633-3926)。对于 NBME 科目考试,考生应访问:


Prometric 动态审查可用的测试中心容量,并在可能的情况下增加 营业时间和运营天数,以创建新的预约选择。随着新的和重新安排的测试预约占用可用座位,该过程会更新,同时,增量的营业时间和空出的预约会创造新的调度机会。我们继续利用数据驱动的容量规划,以确保考生能够找到座位。

行动: 以下是考生在寻找预约时可以采取的步骤:

  1. 如果考生希望安排一个新预约 或者更改的预约日期和/或地点不理想或不可行,我们鼓励考生使用我们的在线资源寻找更方便和理想的预约选择:。该系统提供与我们客户联系中心可用的相同的测试预约选项。
  2. 如果考生第一次无法找到合适的预约选项,定期检查可能会有帮助,因为座位可能会变得可用。



Prometric 采取一切合理措施来维护测试预约,并确保测试地点准备好支持每一位已安排的考生。 不幸的是,有时必须取消现有预约,并为其他日期和/或地点安排测试。


疫情期间预约取消的主要原因之一是测试中心的占用限制。Prometric 根据当前的地方规定和指导开放新的预约座位。当实施更严格的措施或持续的时间超过预期时,Prometric 必须取消现有预约,以保持对这些法令的合规性。

遵循我们尽可能保留预约的偏好,以便有可能放宽或取消限制, Prometric 在实施占用取消时将采取以下措施:

  • 在考试日期前两(2)周识别受影响的预约,并在我们的调度系统中取消该预约,这可能需要最多五(5)个工作日完成。
  • 通知这些个人取消。

请注意:不幸的是,可能会发生一些考生在同一天安排的考试会被取消,而其他人则能够参加测试。对于占用取消,测试地点仍然在运营 ,随机选择的考生将能够按原定计划完成他们的测试预约。 尚未收到预约取消通知的学生 应计划按原定安排参加考试。



  • 这些包括恶劣天气、失去电力、社会动荡、意外的人员缺席或现场技术问题等事件。在这些情况下,Prometric 将尽力提前联系考生;然而,由于问题的性质,提前通知可能会受到限制。

Prometric 在实施意外取消时采取以下措施:

  • 向每位受影响的考生提供取消预约的电子邮件预通知。
  • 在我们的调度系统中取消该预约,这可能需要最多五(5)个工作日完成。
  • 通知这些个人取消。

发布信息的限制: 我们无法直接向医学院提供学生信息,因为隐私法的限制以及我们没有关于学生/机构关系的详细信息。Prometric 向 NBME 和 USMLE 提供有关被强制重新安排的考生的信息。



如果便利获得批准,NBME 将以书面形式将该状态通知考生,以及 Prometric 的考试便利(TA)团队。

行动: 一旦考生收到便利许可证,考生可以拨打 Prometric 免费电话 1-800-967-1139 获得预约安排的个性化帮助。该电话线路在周一至周五东部时间上午 8 点至下午 6 点可用。


Prometric 致力于为考生提供便利的测试预约,覆盖我们 400 多个经过 USMLE 批准的测试地点。我们提前六(6)个月或 更早开放安排,以便考生可以根据个人和职业繁忙的日程安排考试。


行动: 获取此信息的一个来源是我们的站点更新页面:

我们理解,许多医学院与当地 Prometric 测试中心员工建立了良好的工作关系。虽然我们认识到这种地方对话的价值,但重要的是要注意,考生的调度、取消和重新调度交易是集中管理的,因此 最好通过我们既定的流程完成和沟通。这确保了向所有利益相关者提供及时和准确的信息,使我们的当地工作人员能够专注于他们的主要职责——成功、安全和专业地为所有出现在测试中心的人提供测试服务。

COVID-19 信息

我们已能够在我们测试网络的绝大多数地区恢复运营。 目前,99% 的 400 个提供 USMLE 考试的测试地点能够为学生提供预约,整个网络的运营能力达到了我们最大运营占用的 88%。

我们意识到仍有考生受到影响,主要是由于 COVID-19 限制;这两个统计数据之间的差异反映了地方管辖区采用和执行不同的公共卫生政策和规定,这些政策和规定影响了在我们的测试地点任何时候可以存在的人数。这是一个动态过程,每周都会发生变化,我们将继续努力保留尽可能多的预约并继续这样做。

假设社区的 COVID-19 感染率下降,我们预计我们的占用率将增加。持续的公共卫生限制可能会对位于持续或增加 COVID 感染率地区的测试中心的座位容量和运营产生负面影响。



Prometric 为医务教育工作者和考生提供了几种在线资源,以便及时了解我们对疫情的响应以及我们测试操作的当前状态:

  • COVID-19 更新 | Prometric – 此页面提供有关我们全球测试中心运营、特定区域的信息,以及与美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和世界卫生组织(WHO)等公共卫生组织的链接。
  • 测试中心政策 | Prometric – 此页面提供学生在访问 Prometric 测试地点的每个阶段应期望的内容——在到达和签到时;在测试管理期间;以及在预约结束时。
  • 网站状态 | Prometric – 此页面提供每个测试地点的信息,包括测试中心是否能够支持所有测试项目,以及我们能够根据地方规定和限制运营的占用水平。
  • Prometric 测试中心关闭 | Prometric – 将临时关闭的中心——无论是出于任何原因、任何时间段——将列在此网站上。 学生可以浏览此列表以确定他们首选的测试地点在感兴趣的日期是否开放以支持考试交付。
  • COVID-19 常见问题解答 | Prometric – 我们提供对考生在 Prometric 测试中心即将进行的测试体验中可能有的许多问题的解答,或者在预约必须被取消和重新安排的情况下应期待的内容。
  • 期待什么 | Prometric – Prometric 提供了一段视频,展示了访问测试中心时的用户体验。该视频包括在疫情期间为维护学生健康和福利而采取的所有程序和流程步骤。



在您的网站上发布的沟通 - “ 资源中心”

行动: 我们建议您将此信息复制并粘贴到您学校的网站上,以便正在寻找 Prometric 资源的考生在 COVID-19 期间使用。

有关参加即将进行的美国医学执照考试®(USMLE®)或 NBME® 考试的更多信息,请确保查看 上关于调度、网站状态、修改的测试中心程序、安全措施、常见问题和考生支持的以下资源。

  • COVID-19 考生常见问题:提供有关考试影响的常见问题解答。
  • COVID-19 更新:提供有关 Prometric 的运营状态和安全措施的最新信息。
  • 网站更新列表:记录每个测试中心的项目可用性或占用限制的任何变化,以及因恶劣天气或其他不可预见情况而造成的临时关闭。
  • 测试中心政策:详细介绍您在测试中心时应遵循的标准和社交距离政策以及测试中心程序的修改。
  • 旅行通知建议:提供 Prometric 对前往参加 USMLE 考试的考生的政策。
  • USMLE 考试调度和候选人支持:提供链接,供您安排考试、在 COVID-19 政府规定情况下取消的流程(包括在之前的预约尚未移出系统时等待安排新预约的通知),以及按地区提供的考生支持联系电话和营业时间。
  • 期待什么视频:深入探讨 Prometric 的增强安全协议以及您在 COVID-19 期间前往 Prometric 测试中心时可以期待的内容,从签到到考试完成的整个过程。




一般调度模板:USMLE 夏季管理员的调度现已开放!今天安排您的考试或获取更多信息,请访问

座位容量模板:USMLE 考生仍在寻找安排考试的进度更新 - Prometric 继续在许多地点扩大测试注册的座位数量:。确保频繁检查,因为更多考试预约会开放。

安全模板:Prometric 继续修改和增强其中心内的程序,以确保考生的安全测试体验。如果您有即将进行的 [插入评估名称] 考试,请确保查看他们更新的测试中心政策:


主题行:今天安排您的 [插入评估名称] 考试!


[插入考试名称] 夏季管理员的调度现已开放!今天安排您的考试或获取更多信息,请访问。如果您尚未注册考试,请访问

要了解有关 Prometric 在其测试地点采取的安全措施、考试当天的期望或如何获得支持的更多信息,我们推荐使用以下 资源。

  • COVID-19 考生常见问题:提供有关考试影响的常见问题解答。
  • COVID-19 更新:提供有关 Prometric 的运营状态和安全措施的最新信息。
  • 网站更新列表:记录每个测试中心的项目可用性或占用限制的任何变化,以及因恶劣天气或其他不可预见情况而造成的临时关闭。
  • 测试中心政策:详细介绍您在测试中心时应遵循的标准和社交距离政策以及测试中心程序的修改。
  • 旅行通知建议:提供 Prometric 对前往参加 USMLE 考试的考生的政策。
  • USMLE 考试调度和候选人支持:提供链接,供您安排考试、在 COVID-19 政府规定情况下取消的流程(包括在之前的预约尚未移出系统时等待安排新预约的通知),以及按地区提供的考生支持联系电话和营业时间。
  • 期待什么视频:深入探讨 Prometric 的增强安全协议以及您在 COVID-19 期间前往 Prometric 测试中心时可以期待的内容,从签到到考试完成的整个过程。


Prometric USMLE 电话支持模板:

有关您 USMLE 考试的 Prometric 支持,请访问 并向下滚动到页面上的“按位置联系”部分

专有和机密 创建时间:2021 年 6 月

New Scheduling Process & System Support

Introduction and Go-Live Date

We continue to invest in systems and tools that enable greater test taker self-service, including registration and scheduling. Exams now can be scheduled and registered via Prometric’s platform, ProScheduler™, which allows test takers access to real-time, 24/7 exam scheduling on both desktop and mobile devices. Providing visibility to all available testing appointments across the Prometric test center network and enabling filtering based on region and preferred date range, ProScheduler empowers test takers to easily schedule single or multi-day appointments all at once. A sample of what can be viewed appears below.

The transition to ProScheduler was seamless on June 1, 2021—meaning test takers did not have to migrate somewhere new to schedule their exams, and now receive a better end-user experience. The system includes queuing that is designed to overcome bursts of high scheduling volumes by regulating the flow of traffic into Prometric's scheduling system. When ​the number of candidates going ​into the scheduling system exceeds the threshold, their ​exact place in line will appear and students are advised to not leave the screen as the flow move​s very quickly. On average, a queue can process 100 candidates within just a few minutes. Queues typically occur a few times each week during Prometric peak hours. 

Interactive FAQs

Additionally, we recently launched an interactive, searchable FAQ page to provide immediate access to test takers looking for answers to the most common questions about the testing process with Prometric (including registration, scheduling, etc.). We will be looking to launch a chat feature in the near future to better assist test takers directly.

ACTION: The interactive FAQ page can be found here:

Prometric Processes & Key Information

Appointment and Scheduling

Test takers looking to schedule an initial appointment are encouraged to book their appointment as far in advance as possible (the earlier booked, the more choices test takers should have, especially when needs require an all-day testing slot). 

Typically, Prometric test center schedules open six (6) months in advance to support early scheduling. Test takers may find that this enables them to coordinate their testing date around detailed preparations and study plans. 

ACTION: To book an initial appointment after registering, USMLE test takers are encouraged to visit and use the left-side navigation bar to choose their exam or call 1-800-MED-EXAM (1-800-633-3926). For NBME Subject exams, test takers should visit:

Appointment Availability & Capacity Planning

Prometric reviews available test center capacity dynamically and adds hours and days of operation to create new appointment options, where possible. This process updates as new and rescheduled testing appointments consume available seats, while incremental hours of operation and vacated appointments create new opportunities for scheduling. We continue to utilize data-driven capacity planning to ensure test takers can find seats. 

ACTION: Here are the steps test takers can take when seeking an appointment:

  1. If a test taker is looking to schedule a new appointment OR change the scheduled date and/or location are not desirable or feasible, we encourage test takers to use our on-line resources to look for more convenient and desirable appointment offerings: This system provides the same testing appointment options available through our customer contact center.
  2. If a test taker cannot locate a suitable appointment offering the first time, it may be beneficial to check back periodically as seats may become available. 

If the test taker has tried these two steps and still needs help scheduling an appointment, test takers may request assistance in scheduling their testing appointment by contacting a customer service representative. Contact center phone numbers for each region can be located here:

Cancellation and Scheduling New Appointments

Prometric takes every reasonable measure to preserve testing appointments and to ensure that the testing location is prepared to support each scheduled individual.  Unfortunately, at times it is necessary to cancel existing appointments and to schedule testing for an alternate date and/or location.

Occupancy Cancellations

One of the primary reasons for appointment cancellation during the pandemic is the limitation on occupancy at the testing center. Prometric opens seats for new appointments based on current local regulations and guidance. When more restrictive measures are implemented or remain in place for a longer than anticipated duration, Prometric has to remove existing appointments to remain in compliance with these ordinances.

Following our preference to retain appointments for as long as possible to allow for the possibility of relaxed or removed restrictions, Prometric will take the following measures when enacting occupancy cancellations, in order:

  • Identify impacted appointments two (2) weeks prior to the examination date and cancels the appointment in our scheduling systems, which may take up to five (5) business days to complete.
  • Notify those individuals of the cancellation.

Please note:  Unfortunately, there may be instances where some test takers scheduled for an exam on the same day will be cancelled, while others will be able to test. For occupancy cancellations, the testing locations are still operational and randomly selected test takers will be able to complete their testing appointments as originally scheduled.  Students who have NOT received notice of appointment cancellation should plan to sit for the examination as scheduled.

Unanticipated Cancellations

Aside from occupancy cancellations, some testing appointments unfortunately must be cancelled with little to no advance notice to test takers:

  • These include events such as inclement weather, lost power, civil unrest, unplanned staffing absences, or site technical issues. In these circumstances, Prometric will do our best to reach out to test takers in advance; however, due to the nature of the issue, advance notice may be limited. 

Prometric takes the following measures when enacting unanticipated cancellations, in order:

  • Provides each impacted test taker with an emailed pre-notification of the need to cancel the appointment.
  • Cancels the appointment in our scheduling systems, which may take up to five (5) business days to complete.
  • Notifies those individuals of the cancellation.

LIMITS ON INFORMATION RELEASED:  We cannot directly provide student information to medical schools due to privacy laws as well as our not having detailed information on student / institution relationships. Prometric provides NBME and USMLE with information on test takers that have had appointments involuntarily rescheduled.

Accommodations Support

Test takers seeking accommodations for their examination first need to submit a request:

  • Subject Exams – test takers contact and coordinate needs with their medical school
  • USMLE – examinees will follow the process described on

If accommodations are approved, NBME will communicate that status to the examinee in writing, as well as to Prometric's Testing Accommodations (TA) team.

ACTION: Once the test taker has received their accommodations permit, the test taker may then call Prometric toll-free at 1-800-967-1139 for personalized assistance in scheduling an appointment. This telephone line is available M-F 8AM-6PM EDT.

Online Resource Center

Online Resource Center

Online Resource Center

Prometric provides several on-line resources for medical educators and test takers to stay informed with our response to the pandemic and the current status of our testing operations:

  • COVID-19 Updates | Prometric – This page provides general information regarding our global test center operations, information specific to select regions of the world, and links to such public health organizations such as the US CDC and the WHO.
  • Test Center Policies | Prometric – This page provides information on what students should expect at each stage of the visit to the Prometric testing location – at arrival and check-in; during the test administration; and, at the conclusion of the appointment.
  • Site Status | Prometric – This page provides information for each testing location, including whether the test center can support all testing programs and at what level of occupancy we are able to operate at based on local regulations and restrictions.
  • Prometric Test Center Closures | Prometric – Centers that will be closed temporarily – for any duration and for any reason – will be listed on this site.  Students may scroll through this list to determine if their preferred testing location is open to support exam delivery on the dates of interest.
  • COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions | Prometric – We provide answers to many of the questions that test takers may have about their upcoming testing experience at a Prometric testing center or what to expect in the event that an appointment has to be cancelled and rescheduled.
  • What To Expect | Prometric – Prometric has provided a video of the user experience when visiting the testing center.  The video includes all of the procedures and process steps put in place during the pandemic in order to maintain student health and welfare.
Templates for Communications

Communications to Post on Your Website - “ Resource Center”

ACTION: We recommend you copy and paste this information onto your school’s website, where appropriate, for test takers who are looking for Prometric resources during COVID-19.

For more information about taking your upcoming United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®) or NBME® examinations, make sure to check out the following resources on regarding scheduling, site status, modified test center procedures, safety measures, FAQs, and examinee support.

  • COVID-19 Test-Taker FAQ: provides answers to frequently asked questions you might have about impacts to your exam.
  • COVID-19 Updates: provides the most current information on Prometric's operation status and safety measures.
  • Site Updates List: captures any changes in program availability or occupancy restrictions at each test center, as well as reflects temporary closures due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Test Center Policies: provides a detailed look at our standard and social distancing policies and test center procedure modifications that you are expected to follow while at the test center.
  • Travel Notice Advisory: provides Prometric’s policy for test takers traveling to take their USMLE exam.
  • USMLE Exam Scheduling & Candidate Support: provides links for you to schedule your exam, the process for cancellations in the event of government regulations due to COVID-19 (including notice about waiting to schedule a new appointment until the prior appointment is out of the system), and test taker support contact numbers and hours of operation by region.
  • What to Expect Video: provides an in-depth look at Prometric’s enhanced safety protocols and what you can expect when you come to a Prometric test center during COVID-19, from check-in all the way through exam completion.

Templates for Medical School Communications

We are providing the following templates for medical institutions to consider using with your test takers.

Social Media Templates:

General Scheduling Template: Scheduling for the USMLE Summer admins is now open! To schedule your exam today or for more information, please visit

Seat Capacity Template: Progress update for USMLE examinees still looking to schedule their exam- Prometric continues to expand seats in many locations for test registration: Make sure to check back frequently, as more exam appointments open up.

Safety Template: Prometric continues to modify and enhance its in-center procedures to ensure a safe testing experience for test takers. If you have an upcoming [insert assessment name] exam, make sure to review their updated test center policies:

Email Template:

Subject Line: Schedule Your [insert assessment name] Exam Today!

Dear Medical Student,

Scheduling for the [insert exam name] Summer admins is now open! To schedule your exam today or for more information, please visit If you haven’t registered for your exam yet, please visit or  

To learn more about what safety measures Prometric is taking at their test locations, what to expect on test day, or how to find support, we recommend using the following resources.

  • COVID-19 Test-Taker FAQ: provides answers to frequently asked questions you might have about impacts to your exam.
  • COVID-19 Updates: provides the most current information on Prometric's operation status and safety measures.
  • Site Updates List: captures any changes in program availability or occupancy restrictions at each test center, as well as reflects temporary closures due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Test Center Policies: provides a detailed look at our standard and social distancing policies and test center procedure modifications that you are expected to follow while at the test center.
  • Travel Notice Advisory: provides Prometric’s policy for test takers traveling to take their USMLE exam.
  • USMLE Exam Scheduling & Candidate Support: provides links for you to schedule your exam, the process for cancellations in the event of government regulations due to COVID-19 (including notice about waiting to schedule a new appointment until the prior appointment is out of the system), and test taker support contact numbers and hours of operation by region.
  • What to Expect Video: provides an in-depth look at Prometric’s enhanced safety protocols and what you can expect when you come to a Prometric test center during COVID-19, from check-in all the way through exam completion.

We wish you the best of luck in studying and taking your exam!

USMLE Phone Support from Prometric Template:

For Prometric assistance regarding your USMLE exam, please visit and scroll down to the “Contacts By Location” section on the page

Proprietary and Confidential Created: June 2021