WADOH - Washington State Department Of Health Home Care Aide Exam -> Washington State Department of Health |
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Questions regarding the examination process should be directed to Prometric at: WAHCA@prometric.com. To assist us in providing you with an answer to your question in a timely manner, your email should include your name, address, date of birth and Prometric ID (if known).
Prometric’s WA HCA team can be reached at the following address:
7941 Corporate Dr.
Nottingham, MD 21236
(800) 324-4689
Email: WAHCA@prometric.com
Appeals Process
Our goal is to provide a quality examination and a pleasant testing experience for every candidate. If you are dissatisfied with either and believe we can correct the problem, we would like to hear from you. We provide an opportunity for general comments at the end of your exam. Your comments will be reviewed by our personnel, but you will not receive a direct response.
If you would like to submit an appeal concerning examination content, registration, scheduling or test administration (testing site procedures, equipment, personnel, ect.), please submit an appeal by visiting www.prometric.com/contactus.
The Appeals Committee will review your concern and send you a written response within 20 business days of receipt.