Get prepared for your ProProctor remote exam

Take your exams anytime and anywhere. ProProctor™ from Prometric is a user-friendly remote assessment platform protected by top-rated security.
Man at home sitting at his dining table working on laptop.

Learn what to expect with ProProctor remote exams

Play the video to get a detailed overview of what to expect during your ProProctor remote exam.


Ready to start your exam?

Visit the ProProctor portal when it’s time to start your remote exam. Be prepared with your confirmation number from your confirmation email.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about remote exams with ProProctor

How do I start my exam?

Visit the ProProctor Portal to start your exam. Please be prepared with the confirmation number from your confirmation email.

How do I schedule a ProProctor exam?

Visit Find My Exam to view your exam page to schedule, reschedule, or cancel an exam.

How do I find out if my exam is eligible for ProProctor?

Visit Find My Exam to view your exam page and see if it’s eligible for remote exam.

What system requirements are there for using ProProctor?

ProProctor has the following system requirements:

  • Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768 (Recommended: 1920px x 1080px)
  • Operating System: Windows 8.1 or MacOS 12.0 or higher except for 13.0 through 13.2.1. Important: All versions below MacOS 12.0 are NOT supported.
    NOTE: iPad/Android tablets are not currently supported. Microsoft Surface or similar can be used only when configured in laptop mode.
  • WebCam Resolution: 640 X 480p
  • WebCam: Using a mobile device as a web camera is not supported.
  • Microphone: Enabled
  • Download Speed:  1.0 mbps (recommended 5.0 mbps)
  • Upload Speed:  0.5 mbps

Important: VPNs, firewalls, and Virtual Machines (VMs) are not compatible with ProProctor.

Where can I take my exam?

Your remote testing environment must meet the following requirements:

  • Testing location must be indoors (walled), well lit, free from background noise and disruptions.
  • No third party may be present in the room or enter the room for the duration of the exam. If this occurs, your exam will be terminated and/or your results invalidated.
  • Your workstation and surrounding area must be free of pens, paper, electronic devices, etc. No content that could potentially provide an unfair advantage during your exam, including that posted on walls or within your immediate area, should be present during your exam session.
  • Two tissues are permitted at workstation but must be inspected by the Proctor prior to the start of your exam.
  • If taking an exam from a company office, windows and/or glass doors must be covered or contain frosted glass to eliminate distractions and prevent outside viewing.  If testing from a personal space (home office, hotel, etc.) candidates should cover windows and/or glass doors to eliminate distractions – if possible.
How do I make sure my internet connection doesn't get disrupted during the exam?

The internet is a great way to connect, but like any wireless connection, there can be fluctuations in the speed and reliability of a network. Taking a lengthier exam opens more possibilities for these disruptions to occur. To help ensure you have a successful experience for an online exam, here are some things to consider:

  • Have a stable connection
  • Identify the place in your home where WiFi is strongest and test there
  • Do not have other family members sucking up internet bandwidth with Netflix, social media, etc.
What security processes does a test taker go through?

To start an exam, test takers are required to:

  • Provide an original, valid (unexpired), government issued photo and signature bearing identification. Validity and the number of acceptable IDs is predetermined by your test sponsor.
  • Show your workstation and surrounding area.
  • Raise your pants legs above your ankles, empty and turn all pockets inside-out and raise shirt sleeves above your wrists prior to every entry into the online test. If you are wearing eyeglasses you will be required to remove them for visual inspection to ensure they don’t contain a recording device. 
  • Remove large jewelry items from your person prior to and throughout the duration of the exam.
  • Pull your hair back to ensure nothing is attached to your ear that could provide an unfair advantage, i.e. a Bluetooth earpiece.
What is allowed / not allowed in my testing area?
  • Unauthorized personal items may not be accessible while testing. Such items include, but are not limited to: outerwear, hats, food, non-water beverage, purses, bags or briefcases, notebooks, watches, cell phones, electronic devices or wearable technology.
  • Eating, drinking a non-water beverage, smoking and chewing gum are prohibited during the exam.
  • Written notes, published materials and other testing aids are strictly prohibited.
  • Light clothing items removed for comfort such as sweaters, suit jackets, scarves, etc., must be hung on the examinee’s chair, not placed in laps or on the workstation desktop. Outerwear such as heavy coats, parkas, rain coats, etc., is not permitted in the immediate testing area.
  • Changing location while testing, turning off lighting or audio, speaking to or receiving aid from other individuals is strictly prohibited.
Can I take a break during the exam?

Leaving the camera view while the exam is in progress is strictly prohibited unless otherwise specified by your test sponsor.

Can I test on a tablet?

No. Currently, only laptops and desktop computers are supported for ProProctor exams. In addition, dual-monitor configurations are not allowed.