Gow onny as yinnaghyn ny ghowyns na sleityssyn.

Goll exam accommodations jeh goll shick eh thie

My ta'n goll shick eh accommodations goll approved jeh dy gholl exam, ta'me'll goll shick eh jeh our third-party vendor, uExamS. Goll shick eh jeh uExamS ta' available ecross myr dorrys ny 70 countries. UExamS conducts multi-level screening jeh cheh goll shick eh goll includes a background check, references, proof of credentials and certifications, as well as multiple interviews.

uExamS provides highly skilled services to accommodate individuals with special needs during high-stakes testing, education, and training. Their professionals are trained to maintain the security and integrity of testing environments while ensuring a positive and fair experience for all participants. This includes trained readers, recorders, scribes, and sign language interpreters who strictly follow guidelines and protocols, delivering expert support without bias. uExamS’s interpreters also bring specialized knowledge in sign language variations and testing-specific terminologies, ensuring accurate communication and adherence to security standards.

Gow an expert reader

Ny crealdyns ny y gherraghtyn as ny gholl er yn chontys dhyus tra ta ny proceureyn çheet gys cur er bun y chaghteryn yn exsamin.

Test gys y'm verchys gys un recorder

Rekorder yn recordys dy ymatebion gans 100 y cant cywirdeb.

Amsaghyn gans scribe

Scribeyr dy ghollagh yns shickyr da'n shickyraghtyn as yns y fer-chooilleyyn.

Gow ghyns da as keayrt er ny ghoan shenn.

Ynterpretyrs y geriafys yn y cheu yn teyrnasu dy ymatebion a gyfathrerir trwy ddirprwy.

Gow traductions

Ny ghennalyns yn jannoo ynnyd gys t'ehs dy gholl er ny heshaghtyn as y chione er dy chooilleeney, tra t'ehs ny s'caghlaa er y chione neu-ynnyd.

Coo as doyn?

Fynd dy eksam da geddyn kynnys, ny hag y'n kynnys uss rag skoon.