Gow greeit fo' dy nish ProProctor reek exa

Goll er gaggyns ny goll as yn-nyd, ny goll as yn-ghuil. ProProctor™ veih Prometric y jagh goll er y phlattfonn shoh er y phlattfonn-chee.
Man at home sitting at his dining table working on laptop.

Gick geddyn aw ghollaghyn gys ProProctor cheeghyn remoot.

Pleas y video da get a detailed overview of what to expect during your ProProctor remote exam.


Ready to start your exam?

Gow to the ProProctor portal tra v’eh thie dy’ghyn to start your remote exam. Be prepared gys yore confirmation number veih yore confirmation email.

Fynd answerys da freckently askt questshuns aboot remote exams wid ProProctor

Kynde da'n exam?

Visit yn ProProctor Portal da stat yn exam. Plees bee prepared myr yn confirmation number veih yn confirmation email.

Kyndrym ni y ghollan ProProctor?

Visit Find My Exam da greeu dy ghynsag, greeu er-ny-sheear, ny greeu er-ny-chooie dy greeu.

Kyndagh myr dy veagh my eksam elleyble fo ProProctor?

Visit Find My Exam to view your exam page and see if it’s eligible for remote exam.

Kys y'n system a gynnigys da'n ussys ProProctor?

ProProctor goll asyssyr fyns:

  • Skreen Resoluishun: 1024 X 768 (Recommynded: 1920px x 1080px)
  • Opperating System: Windows 8.1 ny MacOS 12.0 ny hiyr, jannoo 13.0 da 13.2.1. Importynt: Ny asyssyr syley MacOS 12.0 ny veyr ny HAWK.
    NOTE: iPad/Android tablets ny goll asyssyr ny wosthyn. Microsoft Surface ny jannoo ymmyr bhindyn goll asyssyr ny jannoo eckhyn in laptop mode.
  • WebCam Resoluishun: 640 X 480p
  • WebCam: Using a mobile device as a web camera ny goll asyssyr.
  • Microphone: Enabled
  • Download Speed: 1.0 mbps (recommynded 5.0 mbps)
  • Upload Speed: 0.5 mbps

Importynt: VPNs, firewalls, ny Virtual Machines (VMs) ny goll asyssyr ny ProProctor.

Veih er yns ym goll y'n eksam?

Dy ghunnal testing environment vriast ymmyr shickal:

  • Testing location vriast ynndoor (walled), myr-lyr, frey dy background noise as disruptions.
  • Ny third party myr vriast yn the room ny goll in the room fer dy duration of the exam. Myr shickal, dy exam goll be terminated as/or dy results invalidated.
  • Dy workstation as surrounding area vriast frey dy pens, paper, electronic devices, etc. Ny content shickal potentially provide an unfair advantage dy yree exam, including that posted on walls or within dy immediate area, shud be present dy yree exam session.
  • Two tissues are permitted at workstation but myr be inspected by dy Proctor prior dy dy start of dy yree exam.
  • My shickal dy exam from a company office, windows as/or glass doors myr be covered ny contain frosted glass to eliminate distractions as prevent outside viewing.  Myr testing from a personal space (home office, hotel, etc.) candidates shud cover windows as/or glass doors to eliminate distractions – myr possible.
Kyndagh dy vel my internet connection ny jannoo cur er eashyn ny lhiam yn exham?

Y ghennel an internet ny ghraih da chonnaght, aghs ny h-ynnydyn wireless, t'eh er yindyssagh ynnydynyn ayns y scoill as y phobble shen. S'jerrey dy vel yn exham cho chooilley rere veih'n lhie y ghow sy ghraih, t'eh er yindyssagh ny h-ynnydynyn dy ve as y phobble shen. Foddey dy ve goll er y chaghlaa da'n exham rish, as t'eh er yindyssagh ny hooinan dy ve goll er y chaghlaa:

  • Bee yn chonnaght stiagh
  • Geddyn yn phoynt ayns dooinney s'jerrey y WiFi t'eh ny s'jerrey as t'eh er yindyssagh
  • Ny geddyn ny h-ahnaghyn er ny geddyn goll er y ghraih gys y internet lesh Netflix, ny media soalsh, ny etc.
Cooishyn seirghys ta'n test taker goll troas?

Da gollagh er exam, t'eh ny chione dy:

  • Cur er ny shen, vaillid (ny hroggal), gubbagh shoh er ny toiryn as s'goanain. Ta vaillidtys as yn nhee dy chynney ny ID's aggle ny t'eh dy ghraih dy dty test sponsor.
  • Show er dty workstation as yn ard-ymmyd.
  • Rais dty pants legs er dty anklets, emty as trog all pockets ny hroggal as rais shirt sleeves er dty wrists ny chione lesh ny entry er ny online test. My t'ehs wearing eyeglasses t'eh ny chione dy chione dy hroggey ad er son gree as to ensure t'eh ny n'gholl er recording device.
  • Raght large jewelry items veih dty person ny chione as dy veesht er y rish y exam.
  • Pull dty hair back dy ensure ny chione t'eh ny attached er dty ear t'eh ny chione dy veih ny unfair advantage, i.e. a Bluetooth earpiece.
Coo as y gholl / ny gholl er my cheayney testing?
  • Ny ghollaghyn shoh ny yannoo gollaghyn aghhyn t'eh ny gollit. Ta shoh gollaghyn geddyn, agh ta ny gollit rish: clothyn jannoo, hats, fod, non-water beverage, purses, bags ny briefcases, notebooks, watches, cell phones, electronic devices ny wearable technology.
  • Dy ve'n gollit, dy drink a non-water beverage, dy smooeyr as dy chee gum ta shoh gollit.
  • Notey ynsagh, materialyn shoh as aydyn gollit ny gollit dy chooilley.
  • Clothyn soiltagh ny gollit son comfort, myr shoh sweaters, suit jackets, scarves, etc., ta'ssynnagh dy hroghey er chair y gollit, ny dy gollit er y lap ny er y workstation desktop. Clothyn jannoo myr heavy coats, parkas, rain coats, etc., t'eh ny gollit er y chooilley gollit.
  • Changing location tra t'eh gollit, dy gholl er y lighting ny audio, dy goll er ny gollit ny dy receive aid veih shoh ny gollit ta shoh gollit.
Pleasagh ym dynnag breaghyrys yn ny'n exham?

Ta'n dhrogh ny camera tra ta'n exaim er ny jannoo, ta'n shickyragh dy chur er ny gagh yannoo dy yannoo dy hroggal er ny shimmey v'er yannoo ny lhiam.

C'an y'i testy on a tablet?

Na. Vann, ny s'olee laptaps as desktohp computers na j'eeh supportee g'ra ProProctor exams. Ais, dual-monitor configurations ny j'eeh allowed.