Test yn y gynnadledd gyda llefydd yn fuan unrhyw le

Nyns yns vos credibilit, cur yntegrity, as dy lhai ny freayllaght myr nagh ve ny shickyraght eh yn skeeal eddyr-ny-chooilley lesh Prometric's candidate-centric approach as yn suuraght ny geddynyn veih ny beggyr: 8,000 testing centers ayns 180 ynnyd as cur rish gys ny pop-up centers ny veih myr ta dy liooar.
Prometric Test Center waiting area.

Prometric yn proud da geddyn myr ny gans test centers nag yv yn unn provyder yn an yndustry.

Ny test kenter ny jentys yns she myrgin eiraght dy gheddyn yns shickyr, shickyr, as er ny geddyn thie, dy gholl er ny credentailyn ta yns ny smoo reilly, ny smoo ny va geddyn.

Incenter webimage

8K+ test gansys da'n gollaght y'gholl dy brag

Vun reitys yms yn unyns yn goll, gys y testyns bydwidey yn deliverin yexamyn yn 70 yannooas as y chossynys dy seth up siteyn ny yinnagh.

Exam proctor on computer overlooking an exam room full of students.

99.2% rees yow ghollagh gys highe-security y chummey

Ny sgiantys proctor yn derbyn hyfforddiant gorau-i'r dosbarth i sicrhau bod ymgeiswyr yn llwyddo gyda derbyniad cyson, sgrinio diogelwch, a monitro prawf ledled pob lleoliad.

Incenter 2017 10 24 Prometric3098 1

95% jeh yannoo ynsaghyn gys y ghollaghtyn s'ayn.

Doo choos flexible modalities dy' boost your test taker satisfaction myrgh Prometric proctors, bring your own proctor, ny's both in a hybrid modality dy' deliver paper-based or digital,...

Gow ny jant gans ny stowdysyn higheyrys na chyns yns gys y phoynt t'yns.

  • Constant in-person proctoring of testing rooms
  • Video as audio recordings in all public areas for review
  • Direct anomaly reporting of incidents, irregularities, or misconduct from proctors to exam sponsors
  • Global and consistent ID verification process to properly vet candidates
  • Enhanced security measures, such as metal detectors, to catch prohibited items, clothing, or spy camera devices
  • Continuous, ongoing security improvements to catch new cheating methods
  • Regular auditing and training of staff to ensure proper procedures are consistently implemented
  • Remote monitoring of global proctors to ensure compliance with security protocols
Woman going through a security scan at a test center.

Raght your candidates ny wher they arr.

Gow a secure, consistent assessment experience er y gharey er y planed gans y larges footprint di test centers offered by any provider, oll operated by our global team of experts.


est center ny gansaghtyn




oyr marktaj

Furriaght magh y gwayn-klass testyn environment gys Prometric

Ruggyder er dy ghollaghyn ynsagh er y chaghteryn, gollagh er ny ghooinney shoh er son ynsagh? Cummal er ny ghollaghyn dy ghollaght er ny h-ardyn test.