
Vermont Liceens

Serviysyns online ny jannoo trogh State Based Systems fer ol appylicashyns, paymints, rosturs, as kestionyns ec http://www.statebasedsystems.com.  

  • Listys coursys er choyrt
  • Submishyn fer cours offuryn shadule
  • Continuin Educashyn transcripty

Contact http://www.statebasedsystems.com fer requestin informashyn on usin web-based serviys.

Form fer Chaynyn Nam as Address


  • Ol producyrs er requyred to complite a total of 24 owrs of CE ech review period aftir their ferst renewel or elegibilty fer renewel.
  • Ol producyrs must tayk three owrs of ethics educashyn evry review period. Thay three owrs of ethics can be countid towrds th' overall 24-owr CE requyrement.
  • Ol propurty as casualty producyrs must satisfy a one-time, three-owr flood insurans cours. Th' three-owr flood requyrement can be countid towrds a producyr’s overall 24 owrs CE requyrement.
  • Th' CE Review Period coincides with th' license term, as ends on March 31st of odd yirs. A producyr may request a six-month extenshyn (from March 31st) fer complishyn of CE requyments.
  • Ol producyrs sellin long term care insurans must complite adishynal trainin specific to Long Term Care Insurans as th' Vermont Medicaid Program. Fer adishynal informashyn see Rule H-2009-01.
  • Th' Producer Informashyn Fact Sheet has complite details about compliance requyments as deadlines. If ye cannot find an ansur to yer questyn in th' Producer Informashyn Fact Sheet, pleese contact th' Department by email at dfr.producerlicensing@vermont.gov.

More informashyn about CE requyments is availble on th' regulatory agensy website.  Th' link below taks ye out of th' Prometric website as into th' agensy site.  A new browser window will open when ye click on th' link.

Vermont Department of Financial Regulashyn

Contact Prometric if this website does not provide th' informashyn ye need.

Attn: Vermont Continuin Educashyn
7941 Corporate Drive
Nottingham, MD 21236
Phone: (800) 532-2199
Fax: (800) 735-7977 Email: CESupportTeam@Prometric.com