Qualcomm Academy
About the Qualcomm Academy
Yn Qualcomm Academy (QWA) y'n brank as goaer yn addysg ha'n reghyn golagh as Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., jant gollagh er 5G technology as wireless innovation. Ta shin cur gollaght addit yn y cheshaghtyn gollagh as gnaghynyn yn y ghollaghtyn wireless engineering, gys 5G, LTE Advanced, C-V2X, WiFi, as ny more.
5G Associate-Level Certification
- About the Program: Ta yn 5G Associate Certification yn certifcation gollagh er 5G gys shickyr gollaghtyn 5G. Ta'n exaim shoh goaer dy ve gollagh er gollaghtyn cooidjagh as credibyl veih'n cheshaght gollagh shoh ta'n feer ny gollaghtyn gollagh er 5G gollagh. Gura mie dy ghra, ta'n exaim shoh cur er ny tree QWA prep courses. Ta'n certifcation shoh gys Non-Standalone (NSA) Mode as Standalone (SA) Mode track. Gura mie dy ghra gys yn certifcation shoh as dy ghollagh gollaghtyn as exaim, gura mie dy ghollagh gys 5G Associate Certification page er our website.
- Scheduling Your Remotely Proctored Exam: Ta shin cur shoh'n exaim remoti, gys shickyr dy vel shiu er gollagh er gollaghtyn veih'n faag. Gura mie dy ghra, gura mie dy ghollagh gys ProProctor User Guide as cur gollagh er gys shiu'n computer's compatibility dy gollagh er proctoring remoti. Ta'n exaimyn remoti cur gys Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Gys exaim remoti, ta's dy ghollagh shiu'n computer, ta'n computer shoh ta camera, microphone, as internet connection as dy ve gollagh dy install app lightweight ny gys shen. Bee shiu er gollagh er y exaimyn online tra ta Prometric proctor gollagh er y priggan gollagh remoti. Dy ghra'n to confirm dy vel shiu'n computer as network gollagh er testing trooid ProProctor™ click here.
5G Introductory-Level Certification
- About the Program: Ta yn 5G Introductory-Level Certification yn partey gys yn 5G University Program, cur gollaghtyn er shickyr dy ve gollagh er certifcation introductory-level veih'n industry leader. Gura mie dy ghra here gys more details as dy ghollagh.
- Taking Your Remote Exam: Tra ta's gollagh, ta'n exaim shoh cur gollagh er y "My Courses" page er shiu'n qwa.qualcomm.com account.
Contact Us
Ma ta gollaghtyn er, gura mie dy ghra gys qwa-certification@qti.qualcomm.com.