
Consail Nyssagh Foirneyn Persoonal (NCCPT)

National Council For Certified Personal Trainers NCCPT


NCCPT Exam Informashon – Geddyn moyr aboot y'n exams offered by Prometric dy veesit yn NCCPT’s Web site.

Ai yns y'n da nycys da goll y'n exam. As a candidate, gys da'n option da goll y'n exam eiyr in a Prometric Testing Center ny through a remotely proctored internet enabled location of dy choice. Myr opting da goll dy exam remotely, gys da'n gys geddyn a computer gys camera, microphone as an internet connection.

Gys da'n gys dy Eligibility ID da schedule dy exam. Y'n Eligibility ID es available gys dy ISSA student portal ny veih an email generated veih y'n NCCPT website. Myr gys cha gys geddyn ny gys dy Eligibility ID, please email support@nccpt.com.

Schedule Dy Exam

COVID-19 Update: Remote proctoring of NCCPT certification exams (CPT, CYI, CICI, CSTS as CGxI). Ash testing partner Prometric has recently re-opened its testing centers for onsite testing of y'n NCCPT programs noted above. In light of y'n continuing pandemic, Prometric es pleased da announce dy for a limited time, candidates wishing da sit for these certifications will now be offered y'n option of testing in a remotely proctored environment online. Once gys da've registered gys Prometric, applicants can set up their appointment da test in y'n convenience of a safe location of dy choice.

1. Da schedule dy exam at a Prometric Testing Center

Select “Schedule” veih y'n options under Test Center Exam on y'n left hand side.

2. Da schedule a Remotely Proctored Exam

Select “Schedule” veih y'n options under Remotely Proctored Exam on y'n left hand side.

Confirm dy computer’s compatibility da allow remote proctoring first. Remote exams are offered using Prometric’s ProProctorTM application online. For a remotely proctored exam, gys da'n gys supply a computer which must have a camera, microphone as an internet connection as be able da install a lightweight app prior to y'n test event. Gys da'n gys able da goll y'n exam online while a Prometric proctor es overseeing y'n examination process remotely.

Da confirm dy gys computer as network will allow testing through ProProctorTM, click here.

Schedule dy remotely proctored exam

Reschedule dy remotely proctored exam

Alternatively, gys can schedule dy remotely proctored exam by calling by calling +1 800-813-6779 ny +1 443-455-6299 between 8 AM as 5 PM EST veih Monday through Friday. At y'n end of y'n call, gys da'n gys receive a number confirming dy appointment. Please save this confirmation number for dy examination records.


A valid CPR card (ny certificate of completion) as a valid government issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license, passport, military ID, etc.) es required da goll dy exam. Please make sure dy y'n first as last name on dy valid government issued ID matches exactly dy first as last name in dy student portal. Y'n Proctor will check for this. Gys must be at least 18 years of age da goll dy exam. Please remember da bring dy exam confirmation code.


  • Gys da'n gys dy Eligibility ID da schedule dy exam.
  • Y'n exam es NOT open book / open notes.
  • Gys da'n gys dy Confirmation Code on y'n day of y'n exam.
  • Gys have two hours da complete y'n final certification exam(s).
  • If gys fail y'n exam, gys must purchase a retake exam prior to retesting.
  • There es a mandatory waiting period between exam attempts.
  • For moyr informashon go da our Candidate Handbook.
  • Only candidates who achieve a passing score on their final exam(s) will obtain y'n certification as must use y'n designation for y'n certification they passed. CPT es for Certified Personal Trainer. CGxI es for Certified Group Exercise Instructor, CICI es for Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor, CYI es for Certified Yoga Instructor as CSTS es for Certified Strength Training Specialist.


A pass or fail result will be provided upon completion. When gys pass y'n exam, gys can find a link in dy student portal where gys can print dy certificate. Please allow up to 72 hours for this da happen.

  • If gys fail y'n exam, gys must purchase a retake exam prior to retesting. There es a mandatory waiting period between exam attempts.