
Commisyoon Nasyonal er Yscryfennow Iechyd Cyffyrddol (NCCHC)

Prometric Testing Center

Fai gholl an exam assa Prometric Test Center, choss choyr option yn y-voes kione y'n scrin hwoi Test Center Exam.

Hag errish y'n scrin prompts myr yinnagh shoh y'n rest jeh y-prosess.

Son ceau er y-gholl, online testing, ny testing centers, please email SMT-OperationsTeam@prometric.com  ny goll 1-866-773-1114.


Cre ta Online Remote Proctoring myr Prometric ProProctor?

NCCHC has partnered with Prometric son cur er ny sessionyn exam ashoonagh goll myr Prometric’s ProProctor™ application.  Goll myr shoh ny service proctoring ashoonagh cur yannoo dy yinnagh shoh dy chooilley eash ny laa as y-chaarj shoh.  Beeish ta shoh er yinnagh shoh online tra ta proctor Prometric er ny hoiggal y-prosess ashoonagh.

Son gura ta shoh er y-positiff experience goll myr ProProctor er y-gholl, please reayr yinnagh shoh.

Online, remote exams ta goll myr Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Son exam ashoonagh goll, ta goll dy gholl er y-computer ta need ny camera, microphone as ny connagh internet as beeish ta goll dy install y app lightweight ny laa dy y-test event. Beeish ta shoh er yinnagh shoh online tra ta proctor Prometric er ny hoiggal y-prosess ashoonagh.  Son gura ta shoh er y-computer as y-network ta goll dy testing myr ProProctor™ visit https://rpcandidate.prometric.com/  

Son gholl dy y-Remotely Proctored exam, choss choyr option yn y-voes kione y'n scrin hwoi Remotely Proctored Exam.

Er y-Day Exam

  1.  Importannt: Use y-same workspace setup, location, as system ta chosh yn pre-check jeh y-speed internet as system check.
  2.  Make sure ta y-testing environment ta clean as clear jeh clutter. Exams ta pausing ny cancelled er y-cluttered desk ny area.
  3. Have y-Prometric confirmation number ready.
  4. Er y-test day, beeish ta shoh er y-require dy goll er y-valid, government-issued photo ID ta's legible. Acceptable Forms of ID ta:
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Military ID Card
  • State Issued ID

Tra ta ny shoh steps er nish, faag y shoh steps 15-30 minutes er ny scheduled start time:

  • Launch y-exam 
  • Successfully complete y-system check.
  • Select y-appropriate icon er REMOTE PROCTOR EXAM SESSION er y-left hand side.
  • Complete y-pre-flight process myr y-proctor.
  • Finally take y-exam er y-scheduled time window.

Cre ta goll myr ta shoh problems myr y-gholl ny system check?

  • Please utilize y “CHATBOX” yn ProProctor son assistance.
  • Ny shoh ProProctor services ta managed myr Prometric chatbox. Tra ta shoh er y-leave y-WebCE platform, ny shoh issues my ta resolved myr Prometric.