Notice: ONLY the following exams have the option to test virtually via remote proctor, in addition to onsite testing:
- HESI Admission Assessment Exam (A2) for RN, PN, or HP
- HESI Admission Assessment Exam with Critical Thinking (A2CT) for RN or PN
First Step: Check your computer’s compatibility!
Remote exams are offered virtually using Prometric’s ProProctorTM application online. For a remotely proctored exam:
- You must have access to a computer with a camera, microphone and an internet connection.
- Your computer must be able to install a lightweight app prior to the test event.
Clock: One analog or digital clock is permitted to be used to track time during testing appointment.
Clock will be inspected thoroughly to meet the following requirements:
• Must NOT have smart feature functionality
• Clocks with internet, Bluetooth, audio or video recording capabilities are not permitted
• Radio and/or other noise functions must be turned off and/or muted
• Must be placed out of candidate’s reach - cannot be within candidate's immediate testing area (i.e. on desk)
• Candidate is prohibited from accessing the clock during testing and/or during break(s)
One 8.5x11 whiteboard is allowed to be used during exams. The whiteboard must be clean before the exam begins and wiped clean by the candidate before the exam is over.
You will be able to take the exam online while a Prometric proctor oversees the examination process remotely.
To confirm that your computer and network will allow testing through ProProctorTM, click here.
To view system requirements, review the check-in process and “Dos & Don’ts”, click here.
Prior to testing visit https://hesiinet.elsevier.com. Use the click here link in the Compatibility Check for Labs section of the page to complete your device compatibility check. This check should be completed prior to scheduling your testing appointment.
Your Eligibility Number is still required to schedule your exam.
Schedule your remotely proctored exam
Reschedule your remotely proctored exam
Cancel your remotely proctored exam
Break Policy: If a break is taken during a remotely proctored exam, a full security scan will be conducted before resuming your exam. Your exam timer will continue to run while on the break and throughout the security check.