
Yn Kyns-ynnyd ynnyd (EIC)

The Events Industry Council EIC

Failt er! Arreiyng er yannoo page yns mean's dy'c yn myrred er ny y'n shickley ny exam, findin' a test location ny a number er othe actions.

Shickley dy' Exam

Ta'n eh jeh ny two ard-yns dy' take dy' exam. Ta'n exam gaase shickley ny gientyn er een Prometric Test Center veih's ta'n computer veih'n chyndaa ny gientyn er een remotely proctored internet enabled location dy' dy choosagh veih's ta' dy gientyn dy' provide dy' computer myr camera, microphone as a internet connection.

1. Dy shickley ny reschedule dy' exam er een Prometric Testing Center

Choyrt yn appropriate icon er ny chutt-handy side dy' gienney started.

2. Dy shickley ny reschedule dy' exam dy' een Remotely Proctored Exam

Online, remote exams ta'n offered using Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Dy' veih's gienney dy' take dy' exam online tra ta'n Prometric proctor er oversee y' examination process remotely.

First confirm dy' dy computer as network veih's allow testing through ProProctor™ click here as perform y' system check. 

My ta' dy computer pass y' system check, choyrt yn appropriate icon er REMOTELY PROCTORED EXAM er ny chutt-handy side dy' gienney started.

Additional Information

A tutorial er Surpass ta'n available dy' preview y' navigation functions including y' highlight feature, y' strike out feature, as marking questions dy' review. Dy' access y' tutorial, pleash visit www.prometric.com/TakeSurpassTutorial

Rescheduling ny canceling dy' exam appointment (test center location, date, time) ta'n permitted veih's Prometric up to five (5) business days ny' dy' scheduled appointment. Dy' reschedule veih's a test center exam dy' een remotely proctored exam ny' een remotely proctored exam dy' a test center exam, simply choose y' action er ny chutt-handy side er y' page er ny test type dy' dy want dy' change to.