Fockleyns n'yn Global Fintech Institute (GFI):
Yee Global Fintech Institute (GFI) es un chroshys chruinagh gys taggyrtyn, cur magh, reiltys, as gynnagh veih ny Fintech proffessionals.
Gys fockleyns ny smoo er GFI, cur gys kiartyn shin er y weebsite er
Fockleyns n'yn Chartered Fintech Professional (CFtP) Qualificashoon:
Yee Chartered Fintech Professional (CFtP) qualificashoon es cur magh veih y Global Fintech Institute (GFI) gys chroshys gys e chooishyn ayd: y Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) as y Shanghai Institute of International Finance Center (SIIFC) er y Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
Yee nheeaghtyn n'yn qualificashoon ta cur magh y field n'yn Fintech as cur magh y proffessionalism er y injer. Dys y chooish, ta'n CFtP cur magh mychione gys proffessionals veih chooishyn elley gys assoyl gys cur magh career n'yn Fintech.
Gys fockleyns ny smoo er y Chartered Fintech Professional qualificashoon examination, cur gys kiartyn shin er
Gys Shickal y Examin:
T'eh shickal da'n dooas y exmin. Ta'n dooas shickal er y Prometric Testing Center neu er graih y chooish, my ta'n computer gys camera, microphone, as connection gys y internet, gys proctor remota.
Gys Shickal yn Examin er y Prometric Testing Center
Gys cheeckyn availability y testing center er dty as gys shickal y appointment er y Prometric Test Center, cur gys choyr y icon er y laueh gys 'Test Center Exam.' Ta'n spooilley dy cadjin er ny h-ynsh, as ta bookings er ny ry-ooilley er ny first-come, first-served basis, gys y seatyn available er ProScheduler er y vish y shickal.
Gys Shickal yn Examin gys Proctor Remota
Cur gys chreeck y ProProctor User Guide gys toshee yn computer t'eh compatibyl gys proctor remota. Ta'n proctored online exams gys cur magh gys Prometric's ProProctor™ application. Gys y exams, ta'sh veih cur magh yn computer gys camera, microphone, as connection gys y internet. Dys y chooish, ta'sh veih cur magh toshee yn lightweight application er y exam. Ta'n setup shickal gys cur magh yn exam online er y supervision n'yn Prometric proctor, t'eh gys cur magh y examination process remota.
Gys chooish y gys y computer as network t'eh shickal gys testing gys ProProctor™, cur gys here.
Shickal yn Examin Remota Proctored
Reshickal yn Examin Remota Proctored
Reshickal y Appointment Existing Veen A Prometric Testing Center As Remota Proctored Exam
My ta'sh veih appointment existing er y Prometric Testing Center as dooyrt dy shickal gys Remota Proctored Exam, cur gys choyr y icon er y laueh n'yn screen gys 'Remota Proctored Exam.'
My ta'sh veih appointment existing gys Remota Proctored Exam as dooyrt dy shickal gys Prometric Testing Center, cur gys choyr y icon er y laueh gys 'Test Center Exam.'
Cur gys note dy veih reshickal es y yei gys 15 laa dy veih y staar y examination window. Ta reshickal shickal er y availability y seats gys y respective exam delivery mode.
Reshickal/Cancelation Policy
My ta'n dooas dy chynshtyn y date neu y time y examination, ta'sh veih cur magh gys 15 laa dy veih y staar y examination window. Ta'sh veih reshickal neu cancel y appointment gys y Reshickal/Cancel option er y website shoh neu gys contactyn Prometric's contact center er: Cha nel fee gys chynshtyn y appointment my t'eh cur magh gys 15 neu myr laa er y test date, er y same testing window.
Er y registration, cha nel permission gys defer neu cancel yn examination. My t'eh cha gys attend yn examination gys ny reason, t'eh shickal gys y fees, charges, costs, neu expenses associated gys y examination.
Results y Exam
Ta results y examination gys cur magh er y email gys y cooish y exam. My ta'sh veih inquiries er y results, cur gys contactyn GFI er
Contact Us
Gys ny new as existing CFtP candidates t'eh gys cur magh inquiries er registration y exam, shickal, as results, cur gys contactyn shin er
Gys inquiries er GFI as y CFtP program, cur gys contactyn shin er
Contacts Veih Location
Locations | Contact | Open Hours |
United States Mexico Canada |
1-800-853-6764 | Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-8:00 pm ET |
Asia Pacific
Locations | Contact | Open Hours |
Australia New Zealand |
+603-76283333 | Mon - Fri: 8:30 am-5:00 pm GMT +10:00 |
China | +86400-613-7050 | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-5:00 pm GMT +08:00 |
India | +91-124-4517140 | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-5:30 pm GMT +05:30 |
Japan (APC&G) | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-6:00 pm GMT +09:00 | |
Korea | 007-9814-2030-248 | Mon - Fri: 12:00 am-12:00 pm (+ 9 GMT) |
South East Asia | +60-3-7628-3333 | Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-8:00 pm GMT +08:00 |
EMEA - Europe, Middle East, Africa
Locations | Contact | Open Hours |
Europe | +353-42-682-5612 | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-6:00 pm GMT +10:00 |
Middle East | +353-42-682-5608 | |
Sub-sahara Africa | +353-42-682-5639 | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-6:00 pm GMT +10:00 |