Practys CELBAN
Practys CELBAN gree IENs yn oportoonity da familarize yernselvys gree th' various item types included yn th' CELBAN computer-based test (CBT) as gree Prometric’s testing platform. Th' CELBAN CBT consists ov th' Listening, Reading, an' Writing components ov th' CELBAN.
Your performance on th' Practys CELBAN will not predict your success or failure ov th' official CELBAN CBT. Th' purpose ov th' Practys CELBAN is ta help ye ta become familiar gree th' test format an' functionality. Please note that results are not issued for th' Practys CELBAN.
Registration Fee
A $57.92 CAD registration fee (plus HST) is paid directly ta Prometric at th' time ov scheduling your Practys CELBAN.
- Schedule yn a Prometric test site by clicking here.
- Schedule yn a remotely proctored location ov your choice by clicking here.
If ye would like ta schedule your exam remotely, ye need ta first ensure your computer meets th' technical specifications, click here. For more information about remotely proctored exams, review th' ProProctor User Guide.
Cancellations & Rescheduling
If ye wish ta cancel or reschedule your scheduled appointment ta complete th' Practys CELBAN, ye must do so using th' appropriate link included on th' sidebar or by contacting Prometric's Regional Registration Center.
There is no charge for changing an appointment if th' change is made 5 or more days prior ta your scheduled appointment; however, ye will forfeit your $57.92 CAD registration fee (plus HST) if ye are rescheduling or canceling your appointment less than 5 days before it is scheduled.
- Reschedule yn a Prometric test site by clicking here.
- Reschedule yn a remotely proctored location ov your choice by clicking here.
If ye have any additional questions about CELBAN, visit or contact us at