Prometric Testing Center
Da schedgys examyn yn Prometric Test Center, choyl yn-chooseyn yn y cheghyn shen a-nish yn y chione t'eh eashyn er Test Center Exam.
Goll rish yn scree'n prompts myr t'eh cur er veih yn rest dy veih y pross.
Son cheeillyn er exam scheduling, online testing, ny testing centers, please email ny goll 1-866-773-1114.
Cre'n yeshyn Online Remote Proctoring lesh Prometric ProProctor?
CareLink Of Georgia has partnered with Prometric to provide remote proctoring exam sessions using Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Usin' shoh y remote proctoring service gollish t'eh pre-schedgys ym shenn chynney as t'eh greie yn exam yn y cheaghyn t'eh choose. T'eh gollish t'eh jannoo yn exam online tra ta proctor Prometric er y feailyn examyn shoh gollish er veih y chee.
Son cur greeaghyn son y chaarjyn yushtag ProProctor lurg dy veih yn exam, please reayr y information shen.
Online, remote exams ta offered usin' Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Son y remotely proctored exam, ta goaill dy ve the computer shoh ta'n camera, microphone as connection internet as bee 'n gollish install y lightweight app fo'n test event. T'eh gollish t'eh jannoo yn exam online tra ta proctor Prometric er y feailyn examyn shoh gollish er veih y chee. Son cur greeagh yn computer as network goaill testing trooid ProProctor™ gollish gys
Son schedgys yn Remotely Proctored exam, choyl yn-chooseyn yn y cheghyn shen a-nish yn y chione t'eh eashyn er Remotely Proctored Exam.
Er y Laa Exam
- Importan: Usa y shimmey workspace, chee, as system t'eh ussey lurg dy veih yn pre-check er speed internet as system check.
- Gollish dy ve yn testing environment feer glen as clear jeh clutter. Exams gollish bee paused ny cancelled son cluttered desk ny area.
- Haghey yn confirmation number Prometric er ny reayr.
- Er y laa test, ta gollish goll dy ve dy veih ny valid, government-issued photo ID t'eh legible. Forms of ID ta:
- Driver’s License
- Passport
- Military ID Card
- State Issued ID
Tra ta'n eashyn ooilley shimmey jeh'n uin, cur er y shimmey shen 15-30 minutes fo'n start time y'n aght:
- Launch y exam URL:
- Gollish dy veih yn system check.
- Choyl yn-chooseyn yn y cheghyn shen er REMOTE PROCTOR EXAM SESSION er y chee chione.
- Complete y pre-flight process myr y proctor.
- Finalmente, gollish dy veih yn exam yn y scheduled time window.
Cre'n ta goaill my ta mish gollish problems lesh my exam ny system check?
- Please utilize y “CHATBOX” yn ProProctor son assistance.
- All ProProctor services ta managed by Prometric chatbox. Tra ta'n ooilley gollish y WebCE platform, ta'n ooilley issues gollish bee resolved by Prometric.