
Cummaltyn Ynnydagh Aghtey (AWI)

Association of Workplace Investigators AWI

Fockle er AWI

Sonjys, dy henns AWI Training Institute certifcate program assessments, ta jeh goll er yannoo yn training as ta jeh jeentys dy gholl rish yn Eligibility ID ta jeh er ny Assocjashoon er Workplace Investigators (AWI).

Geddyn ynsagh er y AWI Training Institute

Gheddyn soylley er y exham:

Ta ny candiates ad y two options son jeh goll er y AWI Training Institute certifcate assessments. Ta jeh yn option dy goll er dy exham either er yn Prometric Test Center ny er yn remote location jeh dy chooise as ta jeh sonny computer as camera, microphone as yn internet connection.

  1. Exhams jeh remoted Proctor

Er y thalloo, ta exhams remoted ny goll goll er y Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. Son yn exham jeh remoted proctored, ta jeh sonny y computer as ta jeh sonny camera, microphone as yn internet connection as dy goll er geddyn app lightweight ny y test event. Gheddyn jeh goll er y exham er y thalloo tra ta Prometric proctor er y goll y examination process remoted.  Dy gholl er chyndaa dy jeh y computer as y network er goll gholl rish ProProctor chyndaa https://rpcandidate.prometric.com/  

Son gheddyn geddyn yn exham jeh remoted Proctored, geddyn y appropriate icon er y chenn chione jeh y screen er ny Remotely Proctored Exam.

ProProctor™ User Guide ta er geddyn dy y review.

ProProctor™ ta y following system requirements:

  • Resolution Screen: 1024 X 768
  • Operating System: Windows 8.1 ny y chee / MacOS 10.13 ny y chee
  • Web Browser: Latest Google Chrome
  • Resolution WebCam: 640 X 480p
  • Microphone: Eshyn
  • Download Speed: 0.5 mbps
  • Ma ta jeh goll er yn computer corporate (Windows OS), geddyn son Prometric’s Corporate Computer General Instructions Guide.
  • Ma ta jeh goll er yn Mac, geddyn son Prometric’s Mac OS Software Installation Guide.
  1. Prometric Testing Center

Son gheddyn yn exham er yn Prometric Test Center, geddyn y appropriate icon er y chenn chione jeh y screen er ny Test Center Exam.

Son gheddyn ynsagh er y Assocjashoon er Workplace Investigators, geddyn son www.awi.org.

Polase Reschedule/Cancelation:

Ta ny charge son changing ny canceling yn exham appointment 30 laa ny goll ny y appointment scheduled. Ta ny changes goll er 5 as 29 laa ta subject dy y $35 fee, ta geddyn dy goll er y Prometric tra ta jeh y appointment change. Cha nel ad reschedule yn exham lesh 3 laa er y appointment.

Results Exham

Er ny goll er y AWI assessments, gheddyn jeh yn Notice of Completion. Ta official score reports goll er y AWI er 60 laa er y appointment.

Contacts by Location
LocationContact NumberHours of Operation

(888) 275-3926 


8:00AM - 5:00PM EST
Monday - Friday
Australia & New Zealand+603-762833338:30M - 5:00PM GMT +10:00
Monday - Friday