
American Board of Physician Specialties® (ABPS)

Prometric Testing Center

Da'so an exam er en Prometric Test Center, choos da appropriate option er y'n left side er da screen under Test Center Exam.

Then follow da on-screen prompts as y'walk through da rest er da process.

For questions about exam scheduling, online testing, or testing centers, please email SMT-OperationsTeam@prometric.com  or call 1-866-773-1114.


What is Online Remote Proctoring with Prometric ProProctor?

ABPS has partnered with Prometric to provide remote proctoring exam sessions using Prometric’s ProProctor™ application.  Using this remote proctoring service allows you to pre-schedule a time and date for completing your exam at a location of your choice.  You will be able to take your exam online while a Prometric proctor is overseeing the examination process remotely.

To ensure a positive experience using ProProctor throughout your exam, please read da following information.

Online, remote exams are offered using Prometric’s ProProctor™ application. For a remotely proctored exam, you must supply da computer which must have a camera, microphone and an internet connection and be able to install a lightweight app prior to da test event. You will be able to take da exam online while a Prometric proctor is overseeing da examination process remotely.  To confirm that your computer and network will allow testing through ProProctor™ visit https://rpcandidate.prometric.com/  

To schedule a Remotely Proctored exam, select da appropriate option on da left side er da screen under Remotely Proctored Exam.

On Exam Day

  1.  Important: Use da same workspace setup, location, and system you used during your pre-check of internet speed and system check.
  2.  Make sure your testing environment is clean and clear of clutter. Exams can be paused or cancelled due to a cluttered desk or area.
  3. Have your Prometric confirmation number ready.
  4. On test day, you will be required to present one valid, government-issued photo ID that is legible. Acceptable Forms of ID are:
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Military ID Card
  • State Issued ID

When all da above steps are complete, perform da following steps 15-30 minutes before your scheduled start time:

  • Launch da exam 
  • Successfully complete da system check.
  • Select da appropriate icon under REMOTE PROCTOR EXAM SESSION on left hand side.
  • Complete your pre-flight process with your proctor.
  • Finally take your exam during da scheduled time window.

What happens if I have problems with my exam or system check?

  • Please utilize da “CHATBOX” in ProProctor for assistance.
  • All ProProctor services are managed by Prometric chatbox. Once you leave da WebCE platform, all issues must be resolved by Prometric.