
Human Assets Training Institute

Human Assets Training Institute


Contractor Work Permit Receiver Prerequisite Training is to ensure that hazards associated with a particular activity and the precautions to take, so the job can be carried out safely. Contractors working with Saudi Aramco is required to attend the mandatory training and passing the exam to get the schedule from Saudi Aramco as per Instruction from GI’s.

Work Permit Receivers shall have sufficient knowledge and experience, be capable of recognizing hazards and be competent in the requirements of this instruction.

Qualifications and Certification of Work Permit Receiver

Candidates are required to successfully complete the following classroom courses as prerequisites before being allowed to take the Receiver’s certification course.

Duration: 04 days

  • Hazard Recognition and Control. (2 Days)
  • Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO System). (1 Day)
  • Confined Space Entry (1 Day)


To schedule your exam at a Prometric Testing Center

Schedule your Exam at a Prometric Testing Center

Reschedule your Exam at a Prometric Testing Center