
Vermont Providers

COVID-19 Updates:

DFR will allow providers to deliver currently approved classroom courses via webinar without having to re-file those courses with DFR. Providers will not be required to submit separate course applications for these webinar courses prior to delivering these courses to students.

Providers will be required to submit a request to Prometric with the course information and a detailed explanation about how attendance will be monitored. These requests must be submitted for approval to with the subject line, Vermont COVID-19 Conversion Request: [provider ID]. Please include the course name(s) and number(s) in the body of the email.

Also, for online courses where a proctor is required, DFR has created the Continuing Education Attestation of Personal Responsibility Form. This form will require individuals to attest that they have not received outside assistance while completing the online course exam. Providers must collect this form from the student in a method determined by the provider prior to electronically banking/submitting credits to Prometric. We ask that providers make this form available to students immediately in order to prevent any delays.

DFR will post further notice on this website as notification of when this temporary accommodation has been lifted.

Any questions concerning this bulletin may be directed to Christina Rouleau, Director of Producer Licensing, at

Online services are provided through State Based Systems at SBS.

  • Approved course lists
  • CE Provider/Course application submissions
  • CE Provider/Course renewals
  • CE Roster submission
  • Course offering schedule submission


Vermont CE Provider Information Packet

Packet contains:

  • Program Information
  • Provider Approval Application
  • Sample Affidavit for Self-Study Exams
  • Sample Course Outlines
  • Roster Reporting Information
  • Fee Worksheet

If you have any further questions regarding information not contained in the Provider Information Packet, please contact the Department by email at

More information about CE requirements is available on the regulatory agency website. The link below takes you out of the Prometric website and into the agency site. A new browser window will open when you click on the link.

Vermont Department of Financial Regulation

Contact Prometric if this website does not provide the information you need.

Attn: Vermont Continuing Education
7941 Corporate Drive
Nottingham, MD 21236
Phone: (888) 532-2199