SHRM-CP & SHRM-SCP Certification Exams
For information on the SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) or SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), please go to, e-mail: or call 1-703-535-6360. The Certification Handbook contains valuable information regarding your certification exam. All candidates should carefully review the Handbook during the application process and before arriving at the Test Center.
Your Eligibility ID is still required to schedule your exam.
Scheduling your Exam
Schedule your exam at a Prometric Testing Center
Exam Appointment Rescheduling
If you wish to reschedule your exam appointment, you may do so and you may also reschedule an exam appointment within the same window.A cancellation fee of $35.00 (more than 30 days prior to an exam appointment) or $53.00 (less than 30 days prior to an exam appointment), payable to Prometric, willapply.
To request a refund, you must submit a completed SHRM Certification Refund Request Form by the deadline mentioned above. If you have a scheduled exam appointment, you must cancel your appointment with Prometric first. A $35.00 or $53.00 fee payable to Prometric will apply. Refer to the exam Appointment Cancellation section for policy details and instructions.
Rescheduling appointments less than 5 days prior to your original appointment Is not permitted. If you are unable to make your appointment, you will be considered a “No-Show”, and all examination fees will be forfeited. Under these circumstances, you will be required to re-apply and pay the full fee should you wish to apply for a future exam window.
To reschedule your appointment, within the acceptable timeframe, you must contact Prometric. Prometric can be contacted online at (select “Reschedule/Cancel My Test”), or by phone at 1.888.736.0134. Please have your appointment confirmation number available.
What to Bring to the Testing Center
You will be required to present a valid, non-expired government-issued ID in Latin characters with a current photo and signature. The name on the identification must be the same as the name that appears on your exam application. If you fail to produce the proper form of identification, you will not be admitted to the examination and will forfeit your exam fees. For more information about proper identification and how to change your name if needed, please refer to the Taking the Exam section in the Certification Handbook.
What to Expect on Exam Day
Please reference the SHRM Certification Handbook for a detailed listing of testing rules.
A tutorial of the delivery of the exam is available to preview the navigation functions including the highlight feature, the strike out feature, the calculator and flagging questions for review. To access this tutorial, please visit
Important Test Day Reminders
- Review your appointment confirmation email to confirm your appointment time.
- Arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time regardless of whether your appointment is in-person or remotely-proctored.
- Review driving directions. Allow sufficient travel time including traffic, parking, locating the test center, and checking in. Depending on the location of the testing facility, additional parking fees may apply. Prometric does not have the ability to validate parking.
- Bring a valid, non-expired government-issued ID in Latin characters with a current photo and signature. The name on the identification must be the same as the name that appears on your exam application.
- Prometric is unable to provide a completely noise-free environment. Consider bringing your own soft ear plugs or use the test center-provided head phones.
- No breaks are scheduled during the exam. Candidates may take unscheduled breaks as needed but may not leave the testing facility and will not be given extra time on the exam.
Preliminary Score Reports
Examinees receive their preliminary results as shown on the screen at the end of the exam via email. The email is sent to the address the examinee used when applying for the exam. The email is sent within 24 hours of completing the exam.
Candidates wishing to request a refund must do so on or before the late application deadline date. For the complete refund policy refer to the Certification Handbook.