
Hawaii Nurse Aide Exam

Hawaii Nurse Aide Exam

Welcome! The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) has contracted with Prometric to develop and administer its Nurse Aide Competency Exam and to manage the Nurse Aide (NA) Registry.

Below you will find all of the information you need regarding the CNA exam as well as important information on the CNA Registry and certification renewal.


Candidate Information Bulletin

The candidate information bulletin has all of the information you will need regarding certification routes, testing requirements, testing fees, and information on renewing your CNA certification. Review this document before submitting your application.

State Approved Training Programs

The following document lists all HI state-approved training programs.

Application & Other Forms

Complete the application form linked here with payment to take your exam.

If your name or address has changed since the last time you tested with us, use this form to update your information.

Testing Accommodations

Prometric provides a variety of accommodations to candidates that qualify under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA). Submit this form with your application to receive accommodations on exam day.

Prepare for the Exam

Below you will find exam preparation materials for the CNA tests including the exact checklist that will be used by your evaluator. 


Certification Renewal Form

If you are a current CNA ready to renew, submit he below form at least 2 weeks prior to your certificate expiration.

Renewal/Recertification Form

Verify Certification Status

Use the link below to access the state CNA Registry and verify the status of a CNA. Please note: If you have a certificate with an E or an R as the last letter in the certificate number, please omit that letter when doing a certificate number search in the registry.

Contact the HI Registry Team

Please allow 10 business days from the mailing date for renewal processing.

If you have any questions after this time regarding your certification status, please contact us at:


HI Nurse Aide

354 Uluniu Street

Suite 308

Kailua, HI 96734

Phone: 800.967.1200

Include Your Prometric ID