
Massachusetts Providers

Important Update for Providers:

On Friday, March 18, 2022, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance went live on State Based Systems (SBS), a web-based NAIC application that supports state insurance regulatory functions. Providers are now required to self-service accounts including course applications, rosters, and renewals. Prometric no longer accepts any email or mail to process items that must be completed in SBS. If there are any courses that you do not see pending in SBS, please upload the courses and include the necessary attachments for Prometric to be able to view the and complete the approval process. Before submitting, please make sure ALL attachments are uploaded to SBS to avoid delays or denials.

Click here to be directed to SBS/MA:

Changes for Industry - effective March 18, 2022:

  • All individual and current business entity (agency) license numbers are changing to National Producer Number (NPN). Click to find your NPN.
  • All Massachusetts appointments and terminations must be submitted via NIPR.
  • All active companies will be assigned a new Massachusetts Company Number. Look up your new Company Number using the free Lookup tool on the SBS website. Your NAIC Company Number (NAIC CoCode) remains the same.
  • All licensees requiring Continuing Education (CE) when renewing their Massachusetts insurance license must be CE Compliant before submitting their renewal application. Use the “Print Education Transcript Button” at to review your CE requirements and compliance status.
  • Massachusetts Provider Numbers and Course Numbers will no longer be preceded by a letter. Use the free Lookup tool to find your new Provider and Course Number.

To view the full bulletin from NAIC/SBS regarding the changes, as well as information on the SBS website, please click here.

COVID-19 Updates:

Any approved classroom courses being offered online during the state of emergency do not have to be re-filed for approval. However, a course provider offering approved classroom courses online, must notify Prometric within 30 days of delivering such a course online to ensure continuing education credit is properly recorded.

Also, for online courses where a proctor is required, MA DOI has created the Continuing Education Attestation of Personal Responsibility Form. This form will require individuals to attest that they have not received outside assistance while completing the online course exam. Providers must collect this form from the student in a method determined by the provider prior to electronically banking/submitting credits to Prometric. Electronic signature is acceptable. We ask that providers make this form available to students immediately in order to prevent any delays.

Please direct all questions to Prometric at

Massachusetts Producers will only receive CE credit for Producer approved courses; if a Producer takes a Public Insurance Adjuster CE course, the Producer will not receive CE credit. In addition, Public Insurance Adjusters will only receive CE credit for Public Insurance Adjuster approved CE courses, if a Public Insurance Adjuster takes Producer CE courses (G), he/she will not receive CE credit.

Providers can enter and edit course offerings, submit rosters, and check the status of course approval online. Sponsors and compliance officers can look up transcripts for multiple agents online. Click here for all available services.

Information for Providers

MA CE Provider Information Packet

More information about CE requirements is available on the regulatory agency website. The link below takes you out of the Prometric website and into the agency site. A new browser window will open when you click on the link below.

Massachusetts Division of Insurance

Contact Prometric if this website does not provide the information you need.

Attn: Massachusetts Continuing Education
7941 Corporate Drive
Nottingham, MD 21236

Phone: (800) 742-8731
