
Massachusetts Licensees

On Wednesday, March 18, 2022, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance is going live on State Based Systems (SBS), a web-based NAIC application that supports state insurance regulation functions.

Wednesday March 9th at 5 p.m. ET: Prometric stops accepting online Continuing Education submissions that affect the Massachusetts Division of Insurance database.

Thursday, March 10th at 5 p.m. ET: NIPR will stop accepting online submissions that affect the Massachusetts Division of Insurance database and Massachusetts insurance licensing operations will be unavailable.

Wednesday March 18th: Massachusetts insurance licensing operations including all Continuing Education processes are available using SBS at 8 a.m. ET and NIPR begins accepting online submissions at 10 a.m. ET.

* Between March 10th @ 5:00 pm and March 18th @ 10:00 am, professional licensing operations will be unavailable. *


CHANGES FOR INDUSTRY effective March 18, 2022:

  • All individual and current business entity (agency) license numbers are changing to National Producer Number (NPN). Click to find your NPN.
  • All Massachusetts appointments and terminations must be submitted via NIPR.
  • All licensees requiring Continuing Education (CE) when renewing their Massachusetts insurance license must be CE Compliant before submitting their renewal application. Use the “Print Education Transcript Button” at to review your CE requirements and compliance status.

To view the full bulletin from NAIC/SBS regarding the changes, as well as information on the SBS website, please click here.

Insurance licensees – please note the new CE compliance date is your license renewal date and no longer the old compliance date. All CE requirements must be fulfilled prior to your license renewal date.

Massachusetts Producers will only receive CE credit for Producer approved courses; if a Producer takes a Public Insurance Adjuster CE course, the Producer will not receive CE credit. In addition, Public Insurance Adjusters will only receive CE credit for Public Insurance Adjuster approved CE courses, if a Public Insurance Adjuster takes Producer CE courses (G), he/she will not receive CE credit.

Effective July 1, 2016, any Life/Health insurance producers that sell or intend to sell annuity products must complete an approved one-time program of instruction or seminar equivalent to at least 4 classroom hours of instruction.

  • Insurance producers who hold a life insurance line of authority on July 1, 2016 and who desire to sell annuities shall complete the requirements on or before December 31, 2016.
  • Individuals who obtain a life insurance line of authority on or after July 1, 2016 may not engage in the sale of annuities until the annuity training course required under this subsection has been completed.  


Pursuant to chapter 139 of the acts of 2014, in order to renew your Massachusetts insurance producer license, you must have completed your required continuing education credits prior to your license renewal date. Failure to complete your continuing education credits prior to your renewal date may result in additional monetary penalties and reinstatement fees. Non-compliance with Massachusetts continuing education requirements may also result in the suspension of your license.

To be in compliance with Massachusetts continuing education requirements, all licensees required to take continuing education courses must include a three (3) hour course on ethics among those courses taken.

To assure timely renewal of your license be sure to allow enough time for your continuing education credits to appear on your transcript prior to your license renewal date


More information about CE requirements is available on the regulatory agency website.  The link below takes you out of the Prometric website and into the agency site.  A new browser window will open when you click on the link below.

Massachusetts Division of Insurance

Contact Prometric if this website does not provide the information you need.


Attn: Massachusetts Continuing Education

7941 Corporate Drive

Nottingham, MD 21236

Phone: (800) 742-8731

Fax: (800) 735-7977
