


IMPORTANT: Scheduling Test Accommodations appointments

Once your board has approved you for Special Test Accommodations (TA) and you have received your TA approval notification, you can schedule your appointment. Some accommodations can be self-scheduled, but some cannot.

  • Self-scheduling: please note that many appointments with approved testing accommodations are available for self-scheduling through our online scheduling tool  ProScheduler - Program Information (
  • Contacting the TA Team: however, please note that certain accommodations will require direct action from our specialized Testing Accommodations team to ensure readiness for test day and the first available appointment date will reflect that readiness time period. 

As always, our Test Accommodations team is available to assist if you need support while scheduling. 

Please note that not all accommodations can be provided in all countries; accommodations vary by location.

To learn more and to see the Test Accommodations team contact telephone numbers by geographical region visit: Arrange Testing Accommodations | Prometric

Important: NDA Communication To Candidates

Please know that since January 4, 2023, the AICPA require acceptance of a Uniform CPA Examination Conduct and Non-Disclosure Agreement as part of the exam scheduling process through Prometric. This agreement outlines a code of conduct for maintaining the secrecy and confidentiality of the Exam Content. Full agreement text can be downloaded at Uniform CPA Examination Conduct and Non-Disclosure Agreement | News | AICPA.

Don’t wait until exam day to figure out your legal obligations — this quick video explains everything you need to know.

Optimize your Scheduling Experience!

  • Use our Seat Availability Tool to quickly check for appointment availability at the location of your choice. Note: You don't need an Exam Section ID to use this tool!

    When using the “seat availability tool” or “locate” actions you will see ALL available appointments for testing centers near the address you provide.

    When using the “schedule” action you will only see appointments based on the regional designation of your Notice to Schedule. ALL NTS’s, when originally issued, start as a “domestic” NTS, meaning you can only use it to schedule appointments at domestic, North American (U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands), testing centers. You will not be able to see appointments under the “schedule” tool for Guam or International locations with a “domestic” NTS.

    If you wish to schedule your exam at a Guam Testing site, you must first pay the ‘Guam Administration Fee’ through CPA Examination Services at NASBA before trying to schedule. If you wish to schedule your exam at an international location (any outside the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands), you must first pay the ‘International Administration Fee’ through CPA Examination Services at NASBA before trying to schedule. These administration fees are additional fees, outside of the fees paid to obtain your original NTS, which must be paid before you can use the ‘schedule’ tool to schedule exam appointments in Guam or an International Location.
  • Use our Google Maps site finder to get directions to a nearby test center.
  • Need to change an existing appointment No account or password needed just your confirmation number.
  • Please visit 24-hours before your scheduled exam to confirm your appointment.

Important information for Candidates wishing to sit for the CPA Exam in an International Location.

Testers in Guam or Puerto Rico, please select from the list below:

Steps to Register to Test in an International Location
  1. Apply for the examination through a participating state board. The list of participating state boards is posted in the International Section of the NASBA website. When you submit your application, you may be required to submit some or all of the application and examination fees.
  2. After receiving your Notice to Schedule, you may then register to take the examination in an international location and pay the additional fees per examination section. These fees are non-refundable.
    • To complete the registration, please visit the Test Internationally section of the participating jurisdiction in which you wish to apply on the NASBA website. If you choose a jurisdiction that does not have a Test Internationally section, then you cannot take the CPA Exam internationally through that jurisdiction.
    • Next, click the button on the Test Internationally page to pay the international fees and complete your international registration. You will be asked to provide identifying information, as well as information from your NTS. You will also need a valid Passport or National ID Card in order to register. Candidates who complete the registration process can attend the selected examination section(s) in the selected international location only.

Note: After the registration process is complete for each examination section, you will need to wait at least 24 hours before you are able to schedule your appointment.

Are you ready to schedule your exam?

  1. Select the Country below where you would like to take your CPA Exam. Japan United Arab Emirates Bahrain Kuwait Lebanon Brazil
  2. Select Schedule an Exam.
  3. After carefully reviewing welcome screen, click NEXT, read all of the policy information and respond to proceed.
  4. On the Eligibility Information Screen, enter your examination section identification number from your NTS (you have one identification number for each section of the examination—be sure to use the correct examination identification number for the section you are scheduling) and enter the first four letters of your last name. Click NEXT.
  5. Confirm proper section and click NEXT. Important: please select the appropriate exam section for the location where you are approved to test (i.e. REGULATION (Japan) or REGULATION (Middle East).
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to select the location, date and time you would like to schedule your section.
  7. Select COMPLETE REGISTRATION to complete your scheduling.
  8. It is advised that you print the confirmation number for your appointment and keep for your records.

The International Qualification Examination- IQEX (REGIQ): The IQEX will be offered at testing locations in the United States and territories and Canada. To schedule the exam, select the International Qualification Exam from the list of exams under CPA.

For important information about the International Qualification Examination, please visit the NASBA website at International Qualification Examination (IQEX) | NASBA 

Information About CPA Testing

Please watch the AICPA Security Video

Do you need some extra guidance or want to talk to other people on the journey to becoming a CPA? Not sure what area of accounting to focus in? Check out the AICPA’s site and meet thousands of people just like you. The site is full of tools to help you out along the way so you can plan a successful career as a CPA.

Check the official Uniform CPA Examination website for news, frequently asked questions, the exam content, and exam sample tests/tutorials. For more information, check the official AICPA and NASBA website.

Important Information about your Test Event! Please carefully review.

  • On the day of your scheduled exam, you must bring your Notice To Schedule (NTS) with you to the test center.  You will not be allowed, under any circumstances, to sit for your examination without your NTS.
  • The NASBA's CPA Exam Candidate Guide and the NASBA's IQEX Candidate Guide contain valuable information regarding your testing event. All Candidates should carefully review the applicable Candidate Guide before arriving at the Test Center.
  • At the test center you will be asked to read and acknowledge our Test Center Regulations. Review these Regulations and other important information in our Test Taker FAQs.
  • The Tutorial and Sample Tests are available at
  • You should be aware that introductory examination screens operate under time limits. If those limits are exceeded, the session will automatically terminate and it will not be possible to restart the exam. While there is adequate time to review the screens and respond, there is not time for you to take notes, leave the testing room, or do anything other than reading and responding to the screens.

Before scheduling for any section of the CPA exam, your local Jurisdiction/State Board must have approved your eligibility.

Prior to proceeding please:

  • Have your Notice to Schedule available for eligibility verification.
  • Ensure the information on your primary photo identification exactly matches the name you are scheduling under.
  • Have your personal calendar as you will be asked to choose a date, time and location for your exam (changing this information may result in a fee).

Contacts By Location

LocationsContactOpen Hours

United States



1-800-580-9648Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-5:00 pm ET
Latin America+1-443-751-4300Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-5:00 pm ET
Asia Pacific
LocationsContactOpen Hours
Japan+81-3-6635-9480Mon - Fri: 9:00 am-6:00 pm (GMT+9:00)







New Zealand


+603-76283333Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm MYT (GMT+8:00)
Other Countries+603-76283333Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-5:00 pm (GMT + 8:00)
EMEA - Europe, Middle East, Africa
LocationsContactOpen Hours
Europe+353-42-682-5612Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CET
Middle East+353-42-682-5608Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC +3