Test Production & Publishing

We are one of the largest providers of exam content in the industry, incorporating a deep and unique understanding of innovative testing mechanisms and how they will perform in various countries and cultures.​ This knowledge, together with our automation workflow capabilities, allows us to develop customized tests that reliably perform well at each and every test site. Using an existing item bank or new items created from an item writing workshop, a blueprint is created for the exam. During the test production phase, the blueprint lays out the test design and what it will look like−detailing the sections of knowledge that will exist, content areas and numbers of items per area. Additionally, we complete the standard setting process to determine cut scores during this phase. The test production phase also includes deciding how many versions (forms) of the test are necessary to meet the administration design.

Through our experience, our test production and publishing phases can include everything from exam content design to selecting the ideal frequency of exam delivery and administration. As an industry leader, we have worked with hundreds of clients to define requirements and incorporate innovative formats to assure that every candidate is consistently assessed on a common set of knowledge, skills and abilities.

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